When tearing down spokes or shared services environments you must make sure to complete the following pre-reqs before running the teardown script
You must be in the correct directory where you first deployed the environments
You will need to set your environment variables listed below
- This must be the value used when deployed initially.
- $ENV:TENANT_ID = "35f102bf-a2d5-4531-86a3-fb1ba0d6725e"
- This must be the value used when deployed initially.
- $ENV:SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "8780edd9-dcbd-47cd-8aef-6bc3820754a9"
- This must be the Sub ID of the environment you wish to tear down.
- This must be the environment name if you used Gov or Commercial
- $ENV:AZURE_LOCATION = "USGov Virginia"
- Not sure yet
- $ENV:KEYVAULT_MANAGEMENT_USER_ID = "cd21365a-be74-4e64-92e1-9dd6cd872f38"
- This can be arbitrary
- $ENV:DEVOPS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_USER_ID = "cd21365a-be74-4e64-92e1-9dd6cd872f38"
- This can be arbitrary
- $ENV:AZURE_DISCOVERY_URL = "https://management.azure.com/metadata/endpoints?api-version=2019-05-01"
- This can be arbitrary
- This can be arbitrary
- This can be arbitrary
- This can be arbitrary
- This can be arbitrary
- This can be arbitrary
- This can be arbitrary
- $ENV:HUB_SUB_ID = "888888888888888"
- This value needs to be the subscription ID for the HUB environment (master Shared Services)
- If you are tearing down spokes this value can be arbitrary
- This should be arbitrary unless you want to delete the Artifact storage account
- You should only delete this if you plan to tear down the entire vdc toolkit.
- However, if you mistakenly delete the artifact RG any new vdc build will create a new one.
- This should be arbitrary unless you want to delete the Artifact storage account
Next you will need to # to Azure using the following command
- Connect-AzAccount -Tenant $env:TENANT_ID -SubscriptionId $env:SUBSCRIPTION_ID -EnvironmentName $env:AZURE_ENVIRONMENT_NAME
Run the pre-req script so that the proper config files are updated
- .\Orchestration\OrchestrationService\Pre_req_script.ps1
./Orchestration/OrchestrationService/ModuleConfigurationDeployment.ps1 -TearDownEnvironment -DefinitionPath ./Environments/MS-VDI/definition.json