tiled provides a data server to view acquired data (from databroker catalogs or local files).
Here, we only provide instructions to access an APS tiled server providing
catalog (bdp2022
) for the BDP data:
In a web browser with access to the APS network, visit URL: http://wow.xray.aps.anl.gov:8010/ui/browse/bdp2022
Data from each measurement is presented by uid
in chronolgocial order. The
most recent is presented at the end of the list. (Yes, the interface is quite
new and not very focused yet on real user activities.)
Click on the uid of interest. Usually, the data to view is found by proceeding
through this chain: uid
-> primary -> data -> adsimdet_image, such as
this example:
The tiled server can provide this same image data via a web socket request. See the tiled documentation for details.
Support is provided to start a tiled data server process but the documentation
is scant. The software requires a special conda environment with development
versions of several libraries. Use the create_env.sh
bash shell script to
setup that conda environment.
The databroker catalogs are described in ./tiled/config.yml
Start the bluesky queueserver (in a background screen session):
cd ./tiled
./tiled_server.sh start