import numpy as np from astropy import units # BEAST imports from beast.physicsmodel.stars import isochrone from beast.physicsmodel.stars import stellib from beast.physicsmodel.dust import extinction from beast.observationmodel.noisemodel import absflux_covmat from beast.observationmodel.extra_filters import make_integration_filter #from extra_filters import make_integration_filter, make_top_hat_filter #----------------------------------------------------------------- # User inputs [sec:conf] #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Parameters that are required to make models # and to fit the data #----------------------------------------------------------------- # AC == automatically created # indicates where user's input change is NOT necessary/recommended #----------------------------------------------------------------- # project : string # the name of the output results directory project = "highav_sim_upper" # name of the survey # used for the creation of the unique name for each source surveyname = 'highav_sim' # filters : list of strings # full filter names in BEAST filter database filters = [ 'HST_WFC3_F275W', 'HST_WFC3_F336W', 'HST_WFC3_F475W', 'HST_WFC3_F814W', 'HST_WFC3_F110W', 'HST_WFC3_F160W' ] # basefilters : list of strings # short names for filters basefilters = ['F275W', 'F336W', 'F475W', 'F814W', 'F110W', 'F160W'] # Integrating from 228A to 912A, where 227.8A corresponds to 4 Ryd (=54.42eV) qion_filter228 = make_integration_filter(228., 916., 1, 'F_QION228') = 'F_QION228' # getting rid of instrument etc # Add GALEX FUV filter additional_filters = ['GALEX_FUV'] # obs_colnames : list of strings # names of columns for filters in the observed catalog # need to match column names in the observed catalog, # input data MUST be in fluxes, NOT in magnitudes # fluxes MUST be in normalized Vega units obs_colnames = [ f.upper() + '_RATE' for f in basefilters ] # obsfile : string # pathname of the observed catalog obsfile = " " # astfile : string # pathname of the ast catalog astfile = "data/highav_sim.fake.fits" #---------------------------------- # Source Density Binning Parameters #---------------------------------- # sd_binmode : string # Convention for source density binning, either "linear" or "log" # Must be set to 'None' if not used. sd_binmode= None # sd_Nbins : integer # Number of source density bins. # Must be set to 'None' if not used. sd_Nbins = None # sd_binwidth : integer # Source density bin width. Used only if the bin mode is linear. # Must be set to 'None' if not used. sd_binwidth = None # sd_custom : list # List of custom bin edges to use for source density binning. Will # override all other source density binning parameters if set. # Overrides sd_binmode, sd_Nbins, and sd_binwidth. # Must be set to 'None' if not used. sd_custom = None #------------------------------------------- #Grid #------------------------------------------- # n_subgrid : integer # Number of sub-grids to use (1 means no subgrids). These are # useful when the physics model grid is too large to read into # memory. n_subgrid = 1 ################ ### Distance/Velocity # Distances: distance to the galaxy [min, max, step] or [fixed number] distances = [62e3,77e3,1e3] #distance_prior_model = {'name': 'flat'} distance_prior_model = {"name": "absexponential", "dist0": 62.e3 * units.pc, "tau": 10.e3 * units.pc, "amp": 1.0} # Distance unit (any length or units.mag) distance_unit = units.pc # velocity of galaxy # (van der Marel et al. 2002) velocity = 172 * / units.s ################ ### Stellar grid definition # log10(Age) -- [min,max,step] to generate the isochrones in years # example [6.0, 10.13, 1.0] logt = [6.0, 10.13, 1.0] age_prior_model = {'name': 'flat'} # note: Mass is not sampled, instead the isochrone supplied # mass spacing is used instead mass_prior_model = {"name": "kroupa"} # Metallicity : list of floats # Here: Z == Z_initial, NOT Z(t) surface abundance # PARSECv1.2S accepts values 1.e-4 < Z < 0.06 # the master grid is log Z = -2.1 to 0.3 in steps of 0.3 # the PARSEC models have Z_sun = 0.0152 z = ( 10 ** np.array([-1.5]) * 0.0152 ).tolist() met_prior_model = {"name": "flat"} # Isochrone Model Grid # Current Choices: Padova or MIST # PadovaWeb() -- `modeltype` param for iso sets from ezpadova # (choices: parsec12s_r14, parsec12s, 2010, 2008, 2002) # MISTWeb() -- `rotation` param (choices: vvcrit0.0=default, vvcrit0.4) # # Default: PARSEC+CALIBRI oiso = isochrone.PadovaWeb() # Alternative: PARSEC1.2S -- old grid parameters #oiso = isochrone.PadovaWeb(modeltype='parsec12s', filterPMS=True) # Alternative: MIST -- v1, no rotation #oiso = isochrone.MISTWeb() # Stellar Atmospheres library definition osl = stellib.Tlusty() + stellib.Kurucz() ################ ### Dust extinction grid definition extLaw = extinction.Generalized_RvFALaw(ALaw=extinction.Generalized_DustExt(curve='F19_D03_extension'), BLaw=extinction.Generalized_DustExt(curve='G03_SMCBar_WD01_extension')) #extLaw = extinction.Generalized_RvFALaw(ALaw=extinction.Generalized_DustExt(curve='F19'), BLaw=extinction.Generalized_DustExt(curve='G03_SMCBar')) #extLaw = extinction.Gordon16_RvFALaw() # A(V): dust column in magnitudes # acceptable avs > 0.0 # example [min, max, step] = [0.0, 10.055, 1.0] avs = [0.0, 5.0, 0.1] #av_prior_model = {'name': 'flat'} av_prior_model = {'name': 'lognormal', 'mean': 3.1, 'sigma': 0.05, 'N': 10.} #av_prior_model = {"name": "step", # "dist0": 55e3 * units.pc, # "amp1": 0.1, # "damp2": 3.0, # "lgsigma1": 0.05, # "lgsigma2": 0.05} # R(V): dust average grain size # example [min, max, step] = [2.0,6.0,1.0] rvs = [2.24, 5.74, 1.0] rv_prior_model = {'name': 'flat'} #rv_prior_model = {'name': 'lognormal', # 'max_pos': 2.0, # 'sigma': 1.0, # 'N': 10.} # fA: mixture factor between "MW" and "SMCBar" extinction curves # example [min, max, step] = [0.0,1.0, 0.25] fAs = [0.0, 1.0, 0.25] fA_prior_model = {'name': 'flat'} #fA_prior_model = {'name': 'lognormal', # 'max_pos': 0.5, # 'sigma': 0.2, # 'N': 10.} ################ # add in the standard filters to enable output of stats and pdf1d values # for the observed filters (AC) add_spectral_properties_kwargs = dict(filternames=filters + additional_filters,filters=[qion_filter228]) absflux_a_matrix = absflux_covmat.hst_frac_matrix(filters)