On Wednesday 11/11 each team will give a 4min lightning presentation on the information they have gathered so far for their project. Here is a suggested format:
- 30s motivation / background
- 1min data collection / processing
- 1min 30s key insights
- 30s challenges
- 30s planned work for the rest of the semester
Slides are not needed but encouraged. Not all team members need to speak during the presentation
Start | End | Team |
4:30 | 4:34 | nebip |
4:34 | 4:38 | bay_state_banner |
4:38 | 4:42 | fuzzy_matching_imbs |
4:42 | 4:46 | police_conduct_data |
4:46 | 4:50 | vibons_journey_app_team1 |
4:50 | 4:54 | vibons_journey_app_team2 |
4:54 | 4:58 | NAACP_team1 |
4:58 | 5:02 | NAACP_team2 |
5:02 | 5:06 | affordable_housing |
5:06 | 5:10 | transit_equity_team1 |
5:10 | 5:14 | transit_equity_team2 |
5:14 | 5:18 | youth_recidivism |
5:18 | 5:22 | vaccination_viruses |
5:22 | 5:26 | mijente_police_in_mass |
5:26 | 5:30 | Market_Data_Team |
5:30 | 5:34 | juvenile_justice |
5:34 | 5:38 | parking_lots |
5:38 | 5:42 | t_visa_trends_team1 |
5:42 | 5:46 | t_visa_trends_team2 |
5:46 | 5:50 | covid_food_business_team1 |
5:50 | 5:54 | covid_food_business_team2 |
5:54 | 5:58 | real_estate_political_contributions |
5:58 | 6:02 | consumer_abs |