BUILD_DIR=dist/ TEST_RESULTS_FILE=test_results.xml all: flake8 mypy docs build flake8: flake8 src/ mypy: MYPYPATH=src mypy -p sphinx_testify -p tests test: PYTHONPATH=.:src/:$(PYTHONPATH) pytest --junitxml=$(TEST_RESULTS_FILE) tests/ docs: test $(MAKE) -C docs/ html build: python3 -m build clean: $(MAKE) -C docs/ clean rm $(BUILD_DIR) $(TEST_RESULTS_FILE) help: @echo 'Usage:' @echo '' @echo '===DEVELOPMENT===' @echo ' make run static checks, tests and build docs' @echo ' make flake8 run flake8 style checker' @echo ' make mypy run mypy static type cheker' @echo ' make test run unit and integration tests' @echo ' make docs generate documentation' @echo ' make clean remove all build artifacts ' @echo '' @echo '===RELEASE===' @echo ' make dev-release builds the package, bumps development version and uploads to PyPI' .PHONY: docs