A lightweight and efficient Neovim plugin to help you quickly navigate and manage your code with minimal keystrokes.
Skipper.nvim is under active development and is constantly being improved. Feedback, issue reports and pull requests are always welcome.
When navigating between files or code sections, it’s easy to lose your overview or resort to annoying, repetitive keyboard shortcuts. Skipper.nvim was developed to:
- Fast Navigation: Jump to frequently used functions with minimal keystrokes.
- Intuitive Control: A simple command structure that doesn’t interrupt your workflow.
- Extensible Functionalities: Easy integrations and customizations so that Skipper.nvim fits perfectly into your workflow.
Skipper.nvim requires Neovim 0.5.0 or higher. Install the plugin with your preferred plugin manager. For example, with [vim-plug]:
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'beargruug/skipper.nvim'
To use Skipper.nvim, add the following keybindings to your init.vim
or init.lua
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cf", "<cmd>:ShowFunctionsWindow<CR>")