- Playing FATE Core
- Takes place in Guelph ON, 199x
- Medium scale, focused on the happenings around town
- some supernatural
- some mundane problem like family or business
- characters are in their early 20's
- Current Issue: Another day older and deeper in debt
- Impending Issue: Things don't work like that in Guelph
- Farmers Union (Big Ag)
- [[University]] (ally with string attached)
- [[University]]
- ([[Wooly]]) Tavern
- [[Occult Bookstore]]
- [[Arboretum]]
- Hillside Festival
- Beckers 'N Gas, Country Style
- [[Lawrence Davis]] at [[University]]
- President of the community shared agriculture
- [[Occult Bookstore Owner]]
- [[Hugo]]
- [[Milo]]
- [[Lawson]]