Part 1 Create a github repo First commmit
- Readme file
- This plan
Part 2 What will this app do?
This app will create a workoutplan for you
There will be ready made workout plans for you to select based on number of days you plan to workout during the week
There will be the option to create your own workout plan
There will be logs you can create to see what you did on each workout day.
- You will be able to input any changes to the weight or reps for each workout
MVP for now you will be able to select from a list of preselected exercises
Part 3 Create a front end Setup Next.js
- create a Next.js app - npx create-next-app@latest
- initialise node.js project (create a basic package.json file) - npm init -y
- install dependancies - npm install
- cd into project folder (default my-app)
- run server - npm run dev Create a Header Component
- create a Components folder in the src folder
- create a Header folder in the component folder
- create a HeaderComponent.tsx file
- create a StylesHeader.module.css file
- import StyleHeader folder in HeaderComponent file - import styles from "./StylesHeader.module.css"
- create header component and add to page.tsx Create a Main Component Create a Footer Component Create a Create Workout Plan Page
- create a CreateWorkoutPlan folder
- inside folder create a page.tsx file
- add header and footer components to this file Create a WorkoutLogs page Create three navigation buttons in Header component. One button for each page
- create a link array with href address and text as properties.
- create a buttoncontainer child of headercomponent which will map the link array properties to each instance of a button component
- create a button child component of buttoncontainer which will take the href and text props from button container Create Pre selected Workouts buttons in CreateWorkoutPlan page
- create a grid with 2 colums
- first column will display your workout - My Workout Plan section
- second column will display the exercises you can add to your workout - Pre-Selected Workouts section
- create 4 buttons for 3day, 4day, 5day and 6day pre selected workout plans.
- create a data.json file to hold data for the workout plan for now
- create a textarea in my Workout Plan section.
Part 4 Create a back-end Create a Server folder Server folder - Install Express - Create a rest API using Express. - Create a database using render - Create a threedayworkout table in database - Connect API to database using pg module