MurariXprs is a E-commerce website , It provides different types of products for its users with good offers.
With my efforts and the technology stack, that I have learned so far in the masai school, I am able to build the front end application with high precision and quality.
In this project we have used the following tech stack.
- JavaScript:JavaScript
- React:React js
- Images: MurariXprs
- Icons:Awesome Icon
- Fonts: Google Fonts
In this project I am able to achieve a near to perfect E-commerce application. As we do not want to overwhelm you, we haven't shared all the pages here.Please fork the repository and then use it on your own. If you want to collaborate with us on this project then please feel free to reach out to us.
You can also take the glimpse of our Project,just follow the below steps:
1.Copy the path of index.html and paste it your browser.
2.In browser you will land in the landing page just Register and login if you have signed up before or do the #.
3.Our website Provides users to make an order.
1.Home Page
- About
- Mens
- User can select type of products.
- User can filter based on rating and offers.
- User can pay online and order the products.