Animations must be loaded/played by index – because different anim definition groups (man, woman, etc) use different anim names ( walk_civi, woman_walknorm, respectively).
Weapons. Aiming with weapons – aim animation. - See weapons.md
Rigid body character
Load map in editor
Async geometry loading - currently, geometry is loaded synchronously, which seems like the main performance bottleneck
Make everything networked
**Map - better info area ; input mouse position is not always correct ; see Map.md ; **
Teleport : when ground is too far away (like on mountains), geometry around it will not be loaded, and raycast will not succeed ; when position is too low, player gets constantly respawned ; adapt all other teleport code ;
What to do before making a release: change starting pos ? ;
Validate path to GTA ?
Anims must be played by their name
Vehicles window: it's too slow - use pages ; display additional info ;
Exceptions are thrown for some ped models - model ids: WMYST, 0, special peds at the end,
Create custom inspector for ped - it will display info from ped definition
Pin windows - pinned windows are visible even when pause menu is not
Remove editor scripts for destroying player model
Remove unneeded assets
Bug when ped gets down to low heights (trying to move him back to starting location, and causing shaking)
Work on a menu like MTA:SA (F1)
Dev profiles for the keyboard & mouse controls - ??
Health, stats (stamina, stength), money & armor system - no need for this until weapons are implemented
Two driving camera modes (aim to front and free look)
Multiple car cameras: exterior (3 distance switches), interior & cinematic
AI System for Peds
Peds (and worker peds) - ??
Import: AI paths, character spawn info, item pickups,
Cars & fuel stations can explode
Other vehicles: airplanes, helicopters, bikes, boats
Wheel explosion (we have to convert colliders, from a capsule collider generate a mesh collider with the shape of a capsule)
In-game input manager
Repair cars with key
CLI parameter for Console app to know where to connect (an IP)
Collapse message logs
Read sounds from GTA SA Streams: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~creideiki/radio-free-san-andreas/
Make a paragraph for those categories: https://i.gyazo.com/07490f1d389fb3c4d6363e8d9810c0c1.png - ??
Implement map zoom (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10694397/how-to-zoom-in-using-mouse-position-on-that-image)
Jump, swim & fall animations (fall maybe reemplaced with rigidbody physics, when there is a big jump)
Water effects (Swim, bouyancy, get darker and blurry the deeper you get)
Work on props (lampposts, fences, etc)
Decal system for Weapons
Burnout trace
Vehicle damage
Dust and water particles with vehicles (cars travelling through dirt and boats, respectively)
Stars, clouds and enviroment enhances
- Speed effect
- Weather system
- Enhance car lights, turning, doors and braking
Why is the sky always black ? - check quality settings
car lights can't be turned off
blinkers are not working correctly
NRE is thrown when no scene is opened
Delete profile devs
Read all radarxx.txd that are available
Have to fix this problem, modifying somehow Assembly Importer GUI to add to mark or something like that is saved to avoid it's compilation (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/454006273751515163/455029337821806592/unknown.png) - It's fixed, but now the inspector looks ugly - ??
Weird circular shadow appears when drving and the car passes next to a building that projects a shadow (low quality)
Car moves when the player is still getting inside it
Auto-zoom with big vehicles
Some cars have its suppension too low to allow them to move
Cars sometimes spawn under other cars, which causes those cars to jump
Make cars spawn in their zone
When vehicles are damaged, light goes weird
Once vehicles are despawned they don't re-spawn
In some cases damages to vehicles aren't performed at first collision
Colors for debug messages in console
HTML (from logger) indent is not perfect
Console Application is not launching on build (CLI was checked and works properly)
Sometimes in old gpus, all goes black, like for example here (https://i.gyazo.com/b3a682b86ab0808ca132bad803194cab.mp4) the way of fixing this is running Unity Editor under
and going to Assets > Reimport all -
Cars stop when they are falling:
- Lag when instantiating new lights
Curent socket system only allows messages of 8KBs
Files with .log extension is printed in hexadecimal on Sublime Text (change extension)
The scripts must read infinite radarXX.txd textures
Implement polar rotation system for camera
Check Profiler to see what is taking performance
If you regenerate scripts while running, Unity Editor crashes (patch it?)
Running with
makes Unity Editor slower when near objects have to be rendered -
Car break light system doesn't work fine ?
HUGE REFACTOR (compiling Assembly into DLLs will solve most problems) - what problems ??
Minimap size should depend on screen resolution