A public-facing version of this content can also be found on the website at /social-media. We also use the #spread-the-word Discord channel to discuss these initiatives.
Generally, We use social media as a point of contact and to share activity in the community more broadly.
We use:
- @bitcoin_design on X/Twitter
- _@bitcoin.design on Nostr
Voice, tone & writing style:
- FOR things, promoting solutions, using positive language
- Not AGAINST things, or use negative language
- Informative & educational
- High signal-to-noise ratio
- Friendly & approachable
- Succinct
- Use threads with each post capturing one idea/point
Content ideas:
- Guide highlights: When new content is added to the guide, create a new thread on the additions (or repost the authors threads - probably better).
- Designer spotlight: highlight a designer in the community and share a short story about them / why they like bitcoin / what they work on etc.
- Announce calls and call recordings (learning bitcoin & design, design review, community call…)
- Quick user research and polls for community projects
- Respond to current design-related conversations (e.g. post a link to the Units & Symbols page if there’s a thread somewhere around unit formatting)
- Add context to posts when RT'ing to add value
- OK to highlight when products, services, and brands adopt strategies from the Guide, or do things that’s good for open-source bitcoin or open-design processes
- Criticize projects or people (if you must, use your personal accounts)
- Promote a specific product over others (if you must, use your personal accounts)
- ABC Wallet just launched a new version with an improved UI. It's a perfect example of techniques from the Onboarding section of the Guide!
- Just wrapped up another awesome design sprint with XYZ Wallet. Thanks for being so open to collaboration with the Bitcoin Design Community!
- Several members of the Design Community participated in this podcast about DEF Wallet to talk about this Lightning backups. What do you think about this topic?
- MNO Exchange just launched an initiative to provide grant funding to people working on open source bitcoin projects. Calling all designers!
- GHI Wallet has a pretty bad UI. Shame they haven't read the Guide.
- Gee, JKL Wallet, would it kill you to join a Design Review call?
- PQR Wallet is the best. You should all download it now!
- STU Wallet has a promotion going on where you can get free sats for downloading their app.
The accounts are currently managed by Christoph. Anyone is welcome to join.
The newsletter
Many community members or people generally interested in the community don't have time to keep up with all the activity. The newsletter is a way for them to catch up every 3 weeks with a concise summary of what has happened.
We have a few set categories:
- Community - calls, current events, member activity
- Bitcoin design guide - update on ongoing work on the guide
- Seeking feedback - give visibility to members who are looking for input
- Everything else - external activity that relates to the community
Within each category, we use bullet lists to briefly summarize each item. Each point should be short and to the point. Light editorializing is OK.
The top of each edition starts with an image that serves as a visual summary of the text content. The image is split into a grid of 8 units, each one showing a screenshot or other visual of a bullet item.
Content is a reflection of what is happening in the community. There is no big effort to research and gather "original" content.
The process is as follows:
- We publish the newsletter every 3 weeks (except for breaks during long holidays)
- After every publish, we create a new draft on Google Docs and share it in the #spread-the-word channel with free edit rights for anyone
- Anyone can add updates to the draft doc
- A few days before publishing (usually the Friday before), the editors become active and start gathering additional material across Discord, Github, and social media
- Going back and forth several times, the editors finalize on ~30 bullet points
- The newsletter is published around noon
- We post the link with a very short summary on Discord and social media. Social media posts include @ mentions of relevant people and projects
The newsletter is currently managed by Mo and Christoph. Anyone is welcome to join.