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Raytracing and Axis-Aligned Bounding Box Tree

Back to the 90's ! Let us draw some shiny spheres and checkerboards

Geogram includes efficient primitives for accelerated geometric queries on meshes (AABB: Axis-Aligned Bounding Box Tree). The included example program demonstrates it by including a mesh in a raytracing scene, displayed at interactive speed with a purely software implementation (no GPU). The sources are here:

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Raytracing basics

About raytracing basics, the following sources and tutorials are recommended:

The minimalistic raytracing core is very classical. It is not meant to be a part of the library, it just has a minimalistic set of classes and interface for demo purposes. It has the following classes:

  • Camera: launches primary rays (launch_ray()), stores the computed image, and saves the image in PPM format (save_image()).
  • Object: has two virtual functions that test ray-object intersections. The first one, find_nearest_intersection() does what it says. The second one, in_shadow(), only tests for the presence of an intersection (used to determine if a point is in the shadow with respect to a light source). It also stores a Material, and has functions to edit it in the GUI (when the macro RAYTRACE_GUI is defined).
  • Sphere, Light, and HorizontalCheckerboardPlane (because it is the tradition !)
  • MeshObject, detailed below.

Raytracing meshes

To raytrace a mesh, the basic primitive is a function to compute the intersection between a ray and a triangle. It is explained in this stackoverflow answer. Now if your mesh has a large number of triangles, calling the function for each triangle will be very unefficient. To accelerate the computations, the idea is to embed the mesh into a hierarchy of boxes: start with a ray-box intersection, if there is an intersection, then open the box, that can contain either other boxes or a list of triangles. To grasp a "visual" intuition of the idea, take a look at this ShaderToy.

The idea of the algorithm is as follows:

    Intersect(ray, box):
       if there is an intersection between the ray and the box
          if the box contains a list of sub-boxes
             for each sub-box b
   	        Intersect(ray, b)
          else // box is a leaf with a list of triangle
             for each triangle t in the list
	        Intersect(ray, t)

Now the question is how can we represent a tree of boxes. One may think of using a Node struct, with pointers to children, but it is not a very good idea for two reasons: first, all these pointers are going to take a considerable amount of memory, and second, allocating all these structures in memory is going to cause memory fragmentation. It is much more efficient to use a compact data structure, with everything stored in contiguous arrays in memory. In addition, we can also reorder the facets in the mesh, in such a way that facets present in the same box are always contiguous in memory. Using this idea, the only thing we need to store is the array of bounding boxes (the combinatorics is implicitly encoded in the order of the facets in the mesh). It is even possible to avoid storing the boxes, using Pierre Terdiman's zero-memory AABB (Geogram does not support them yet and stores the boxes).

In Geogram, these acceleration structures are implements in MeshAABB.h.There is one for surfacic meshes (MeshFacetAABB) and one for volumetric meshes (MeshCellsAABB). Besides accelerating the ray-triangle intersection function, they can be used to compute all the facets or cells intersections between two meshes (or within the same mesh).

We are now equipped to explain how MeshObject class works. It has a Mesh and a MeshFacetsAABB member:

class MeshObject: public Object {
   Mesh mesh_;
   MeshFacetsAABB AABB_;

The constructor works as follows:

   MeshObject::MeshObject(const std::string& filename) {
      mesh_load(filename, mesh_);

It first loads the specified filename into the Mesh, then constructs the MeshFacetsAABB. Some details worth to mention:

  • MeshFacetsAABB keeps a pointer to the Mesh (this is why we need to keep the mesh !)
  • MeshFacetsAABB reorders the facets of the Mesh. It has an optional parameter to tell it not to do so, but then performance will drop dramatically if the facets are not spatially ordered in the mesh (but it can be interesting to use the option in the case you know you have already sorted the facets of the mesh).
  • in the demo program, the constructor of MeshObject normalizes the coordinates of the mesh after loading (to make sure you see something in the demo whatever the coordinates in the file). It has an optional parameter to deactivate this behavior.

Now we can see how we can override Object::get_nearest_intersection():

   void MeshObject::get_nearest_intersection(
   	const Ray& R, Intersection& I
   ) const override {
        MeshFacetsAABB::Intersection cur_I;
        if(AABB_.ray_nearest_intersection(R, cur_I)) {
   	   if(cur_I.t > epsilon_t && cur_I.t < I.t) {
	        I.t = cur_I.t;
	        I.object = this;
	        I.material = material_;
	        I.position = cur_I.p; 
	        I.normal = normalize(cur_I.N); 

The ray_nearest_intersection() function returns true of there was an intersection and returns the intersection details in a MeshFacetsAABB::Intersection struct, with the parameter cur_I.t along the ray, the intersection point cur_I.p and the (not normalized !) normal vector cur_I.N. It also has the barycentric coordinates of the intersection point in the triangle. Note that the (not normalized !) normal vector and barycentric coordinates are given "for free" by the Moller and Trumbore algorithm that we are using (this is why they are systematically returned in the intersection structure (doing so does not cost anything).

The function that tests for shadow rays intersections determines whether a given point is in the shadow relative to a light source. It works as follows:

   bool MeshObject::in_shadow(const Ray& R) const override {
      vec3 p2 = R.origin + R.direction;
      return AABB_.segment_intersection(R.origin, p2);

Now we have an object that can be used in any raytracing framework, including more subtle lighting effect, such as refraction, as demonstrated in this shadertoy and also that one with smooth shading.


Geogram has a construct for running a loop in parallel, that can be used as follows:

   parallel_for(0, N,
     [this, &](index_t i) {
        // ... do something with i

Technically, the parallel_for() construct in Geogram is a function that takes as an argument a C++ unnamed function, also called a "lambda". The list of items inside the square brackets [this,&] indicates here that one can access all member functions and variables in the scope in the function. One can be more specific and indicate here the very list of variables meant to be accessed in the body of the loop_

It is equivalent to:

   for(index_t i=0; i<N; ++i) {
      // ... do something with i

with the difference that several iterations can run in parallel. Hence, the rendering loop can be written as follows:

    0, camera_.image_height(),
    [this](index_t Y) {
	for(index_t X=0; X<camera_.image_width(); ++X) {
	    Ray R = primary_ray(X,Y);
	    vec3 K = scene_.raytrace(R);

There are other topics to be covered about multithreading, namely sliced parallel loops, spinlocks and synchronization primitives. Since we do not need them for raytracing, this will be the topic of another tutorial.

Other functionalities of Geogram AABB classes

The (surfacic) class MeshFacetsAABB has the following member functions:

  • compute_facet_bbox_intersections(): it computes all intersections between the pair of facet bounding boxes in a mesh. It is used as follows:
      [this,&](index_t f1, index_t f2) {
         // do something with f1 and f2

where (f1,f2) will iterate on all pair of facets which bounding box intersect.

  • nearest_facet(): finds the facet nearest to a query point
  • ray_intersection(): tests whether there exists an intersection with a Ray
  • ray_nearest_intersection(): gets the nearest intersection along a Ray
  • segment_nearest_intersection(): gets the nearest intersection along a segment

There is also a (volumetric) class MeshCellsAABB, that optimizes geometric queries for volumetric meshes (made of tetrahedra or made of polyhedral cells). It has the following functions:

  • containing_tet(): find the tetrahedron that contains a given point
  • compute_bbox_cell_bbox_intersections(): compute all the intersections between a given box and the bounding boxes of all the cells
  • containing_boxes(): find all the cells which bounding boxes contain a given point
  • compute_cell_bbox_intersections(): find all the pairs of cell bounding boxes that have an intersection within a given mesh
  • compute_other_cell_bbox_intersections(): find all the pairs of cell bounding boxes that have an intersection in two different meshes
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