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File metadata and controls

52 lines (42 loc) · 2.84 KB

How to implement a Producer

A Producer is conceptually a function that is decorated with enough metadata to build a Signature. Recall that a Signature is used to determine a unique path name where the output of this Producer will be written. The easiest way to define a Producer class is to make a case class that mixes in the Ai2StepInfo trait. The only method that needs to be implemented in that case is the create method, which builds the output object For example:

case class CountLines(lines: Producer[Iterable[String]], countBlanks: Boolean = true) extends Producer[Int] with Ai2StepInfo {
  override protected def create: Int =
  if (countBlanks)
    lines.get.filter(_.length > 0).size

Notice how each Producer's create method calls the get method of its inputs. (get is simply an in-memory cache of the result of create) This is the mechanism by which the end-to-end workflow is executed: the method calls get on each persisted Producer. The workflow graph is isomorphic to the object graph of Producers with references to other Producers.

The Signature of this Producer depends on the value of the countBlanks parameter, but also on the Signature of its input, the Producer[Iterable[String]] whose lines it is counting. That Producer's Signature depends likewise on its own parameters and inputs, etc. The outcome is that this Producer's output will be written to a different location depending on where in a workflow it it plugged in.

Occasionally, it is necessary to change the logic of a Producer, such that its behavior will be different from previous versions of the code. The Signature includes a class-version field for this purpose. To indicate a change in the logic of a Producer, override the versionHistory method. For example:

case class CountLines(lines: Producer[Iterable[String]], countBlanks: Boolean = true) extends Producer[Int] with Ai2StepInfo {
  override protected def create: Int =
    if (countBlanks)
      lines.get.filter(_.trim.length > 0).size

  override def versionHistory = List(
    "v1.1" // Count whitespace-only lines as blank

In this way, cached data produced by older versions of your code can coexist with more recent versions. Different users can share data without conflict despite possibly running different versions of the code. (The value of the version field can be any string, so long as it is unique.)

What happens if you change the logic of a Producer but forget to update the versionHistory method? Even in this case, it is impossible to overwrite existing data. Instead, your Producer may end up reading cached data instead of recomputing based on the new logic. To force a recomputation, you must change the Signature by updating the versionHistory field.