In order to contribute content or build your own packages, you will need your own copy of this repository. There are two ways to accomplish this:
- Clone for Read-only Access if you just want to review and use the repository content.
- Fork for Read/Write Access if you want to contribute content or scripts to the repository.
Please note: this documentation is a work in progress. If you have questions or suggestions, please create an issue with a full description of your question or idea.
- The OVAL Repository Website
- Repository Overview
- Repository Organization
- Contributing OVAL
- Scripts for OVAL Contributors & Consumers
- Getting a Local Copy of the Repository (this document)
- Get Python 3.4 & Required Packages
- Contributing Scripts
If you need help following this documentation, please post your questions to the OVAL Repository Mailing List.
If you encounter a bug or have ideas for improving this documentation, please create an issue with a full description of your bug or idea.
Cloning this repository is the fastest and easiest way to get started. However, if you plan on contributing changes to the repository, you should fork the repo instead of simply cloning it.
- Install Git: If you don't have git on your machine, you will need to install git
- Create a Parent Directory: open your Git command line client (Terminal on Mac, Git Bash on Windows), and cd to the directory that you want to contain the Repository clone.
- Clone!: this command will download a copy of the repository into ./OVALRepo
$ git clone
To update your clone at any time and ensure you have the latest content:
# cd to your OVALRepo folder
$ cd ./path/to/OVALRepo
# update from the origin repository (this one!)
$ git pull origin master
And... that's it! Next, you might want to explore the repository organization or the scripts for building content.
If you're interested in contributing content or scripts to the repository via git, you will need to create your own fork of the repository. This is a bit more involved than simply cloning the repo, so if all you need to do is review and use the content, you might want to follow those instructions (above).
- GitHub Account: Create a GitHub account if you don't have one
- Install Git: If you don't have git on your machine, you will need to install git
- Fork this Repo: Create a fork of this OVAL repository
- Clone Your Fork: Create a local clone of your fork
- Add Upstream: Add this repository as the upstream remote