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areinsvo edited this page Jun 2, 2016 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the WmAgentScripts wiki!

This script is the merged version of and It has been tested using backfill workflows. Usage: python -w [WORKFLOW_NAME] --lfn [Merged LFN] [options] Options:

  • '-t', '--team', help='Type of Requests', dest='team'
  • '-s', '--sites', help=' "t1" for Tier-1's and "t2" for Tier-2's', dest='site\s'
  • '--special', help='Use it for special workflows. You also have to change the code according to the type of WF', dest='special'
  • '-r', '--replica', action='store_true', dest='replica', default=False, help='Adds a _Disk Non-Custodial Replica parameter'
  • '-p', '--procversion', help='Processing Version, if empty it will leave the processing version that comes by default in the request', dest='procversion'
  • '-a', '--activity', help='Dashboard Activity (reprocessing, production or test), if empty will set reprocessing as default', dest='activity'
  • '-x', '--xrootd', help='Assign with trustSiteLocation=True (allows xrootd capabilities)', action='store_true', default=False, dest='xrootd'
  • '-l', '--lfn', help='Merged LFN base', dest='lfn'
  • '-v', '--verbose', help='Verbose', action='store_true', default=False, dest='verbose'
  • '--testbed', help='As# testbed', action='store_true', default=False, dest='testbed'
  • '--test', action="store_true",help='Nothing is injected, only print infomation about workflow and Era', dest='test'
  • '-f', '--file', help='Text file with a list of wokflows. If this option is used, the same settings will be applied to all workflows', dest='file'
  • '-w', '--workflow', help='Workflow Name', dest='workflow'
  • '-e', '--era', help='Acquistion era', dest='era'
  • "--procstr", dest="procstring", help="Overrides Processing String with a single string"

Tested with the following command: python --test -w mcremone_SUS-RunIISpring16MiniAODv2-Backfill-00004_00005_v0__160524_213511_1964 -lfn /store/backfill

The --test option makes it so the workflow isn't actually assigned, but the script prints all of the parameters it would have used to assign it.

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