csust new telegram bot in go
You need to install Docker first.
Clone the project.
git clone git@github.com:CSUSTers/csust-got.git
Then run it with docker-compose.
docker-compose up -d
Clone the newest version.
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
Please change configuration in config.yaml
Modify the token
to your bot's token.
Please modify redis.pass
in config.yaml
,and also please modify requirepass
in redis.conf
say_hello - 我是一只只会嗦hello的咸鱼
hello_to_all - 大家好才是真的好
recorder - <msg> 人类的本质就是复读机,Bot也是一样的
no_sticker - 启动(反向)流量节省模式
google - <Key Words> 咕果搜索...
bing - <Key Words> 巨硬搜索...
bilibili - <Key Words> 在B站搜索...
github - <Key Words> 在github搜索...
ban_myself - 把自己ban掉rand[40,120]秒
ban - 我就是要滥权!【Admin】
ban_soft - 软禁!使某人失去快乐~【Admin】
fake_ban - [duration] 虚假(真实)的ban
fake_ban_myself - 虚假的ban自己
kill - 虚假(真实)的kill
hitokoto - [type:ab..kl] 一言
hitowuta - 一诗
hito_netease - 一键网抑
forward - [msgID] 让bot转发一条历史消息(可能消息已经被删了)
shutdown - 拔掉bot的电源
boot - 将bot开机
sleep - 该睡觉了
no_sleep - 别睡了
run_after - <duration> <msg> 提醒自己多久之后做什么事
hoocoder - <text> Hoo编码
decode - _[decoding]_[encoding] <text> 解个码
getvoice - 角色=<character> 性别=<sex> 主题=<topic> 类型=<type> <text>
getvoice_old - getvoice的旧版入口,没有查询功能,数据来源于mys爬虫
chat - <text> 聊会天呗
qiuchat - <text> 聊会天呗
genvoice - <text> 生成原神语音
provoice - <text> 使用自定义ssml生成语音
search - [-id <chat_id>] <key word> 搜索历史记录
gacha_setting - 设置一个json格式的配置
gacha - 抽卡,按照你的配置
bye_world - [duration] 向美好世界说声再见
hello_world - 向美好世界问声好
iwant - f=<format> 我要Sticker
setiwant - f=<format> vf=<format> sf=<format> 设置我要Sticker
Located in attachment
VoiceGen is a api server to search or generate genshin impact npc's voice for the bot.
We would like to express our gratitude to JetBrains for supporting our open-source project, a Telegram chatbot developed using their GoLand IDE. Their excellent tools have significantly improved our development experience. Check out JetBrains Open Source Support for more information.