Links: Runescape API Things <- Will be nice for ez ID lookup <- detail api call <- use this api, looks baller ^ actual runescape api is trash, use the npm one for sure
Site Planning/ideas: homepage with # & sick parallax and description of services
i think i want a navbar on top, no sidebar. use classic runescape 2 website background?
calculators: i want grand exchange prices for all bones for prayer at least, maybe other stuffs has GE agility,fletching,firemaking,woodcutting,mining,crafting?,herblore?,fishing,cooking,thieving?,runecrafting?,hunter,slayer,summoning?,construction?,farming,smithing?,divination?,invention? no dungeoneering - get the easy skill calcs out so you have versatility combat most likely easy, minus constitution 1-99 goblins lol
27 skills in runescape, 10 are easy, + combat
perhaps a quest exp calculator for pure building? <-- cool idea for later
bestiary look up? hiscores look up?
easy: agility fletching firemaking woodcutting mining fishing cooking hunter farming
add current level to calculators when you put in your exp runescape api for current exp lookup from having an account and add it to the db from account page make route to get this object and then you can $http or something
one click apps - email - ssh root@IP - y give it a pass scp server.js forever logs server.js for logs and errors! git clone into /opt and run sudo forever server.js !