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CapnOdin edited this page Feb 21, 2017 · 10 revisions

Draws a stack of bars for each element of an array.

SVGraph_BarPlot(Data [, Colour, Width, Opacity])



A list of integer-lists, where each integer-list represent a stack of bars. Each bar is plotted based on its index.

Colour xxx

The colour of the bars, supports HTML Color Names or Color Values. e.g. "lightgrey" or "#FF00FF".


The width of the bars, as a number followed by an optional Unit e.g. 3 or "5mm".

Note: If the unit is included there should be no space between the number and the unit.


A value in the range [0, 1], where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque.




; Simple bar plot along the x-axis
SVGraph_Chart(width := 400, height := 475, margin := 40)
SVGraph_SetAxes(xmin := 0, xmax := 6, ymin := 0, ymax := 100)
SVGraph_BarPlot([[20],[40],[80],[40],[20]], , 20, "x")

![Plot along the x-axis]( Simple x.png)

; Simple bar plot along the y-axis
SVGraph_Chart(width := 475, height := 400, margin := 40)
SVGraph_SetAxes(xmin := 0, xmax := 100, ymin := 0, ymax := 6)
SVGraph_BarPlot([[20],[40],[80],[40],[20]], , 20, "y")

![Plot along the y-axis]( Simple y.png)

; A staked bar plot
SVGraph_Chart(width := 960, height := 500, margin := 40)
SVGraph_SetAxes(xmin := 0, xmax := 30, ymin := -10, ymax := 15)
Bars := []
Loop 29 {
	val := A_Index < 16 ? A_Index - 6 : 24 - A_Index
	Bars.Push([val, val/2])
SVGraph_BarPlot(Bars, , 20)

![BarPlot X]( X.png)

; Bar plot of the composition of glass
SVGraph_Chart(width := 960, height := 500, margin := 40)
SVGraph_SetAxes(xmin := 0, xmax := 11, ymin := 0, ymax := 100)
SVGraph_SetGrid("x", "[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]")
				,[13.00,3.60,1.36,72.99,0.57,8.40,0.00,0.11]], , 20)

![BarPlot Glass.png]( Glass.png)