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This is the calculatePortion() at BipsLibrary.sol on v4-core:

/// @param amount The total amount to calculate a percentage of
/// @param bips The percentage to calculate, in bips
function calculatePortion(uint256 amount, uint256 bips) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    if (bips > BPS_DENOMINATOR) revert InvalidBips();
@>    // ⏬👁️🟢 `amount * bips` can be < BPS_DENOMIATOR and round down to 0
    return (amount * bips) / BPS_DENOMINATOR; 

Impact Explanation

This function is called by the UniversalRouter and by PoolManager:

  • In PoolManager, as long as it is in a blockchain with blockGasLimit >= 10 it won't cause issues. Which all the blockchain supported by Uniswap do. This is because it is only used in ProtocolFees.sol and with a default bips == BLOCK_LIMIT_BPS == 100 and an amount == block.gaslimit.

  • In UniversalRouter:

    • It is called in the Payment.sol library on payPortion(). Called when Commands.PAY_PORTION is specified in the dispatcher. See here.
    • And in the inherited V4Router.sol it is used like so: _getFullCredit(currency).calculatePortion(bips). See here and here.
  • Regarding payPortion() for small amounts users can't really transfer certain percentages trhough the router if desired as it will round down to 0. If the bips are: bips < BPS_DENOMINATOR / amount. It rounds down to 0 and nothing is transferred. Bip calulations are not properly handled for dust amounts, and in case of ERC20s with 2 decimals, it will round down to 0 for significant amounts (GUSD as example of token with 2 decimals). This is a problem a as a user can specify valid inputs and lets say if at the end of the interaction with UniversalRouter he wants to send back value to a recipient it will send just 0 and the value will remain in the UniversalRouter contract. It will remain there because the payPortion() uses as amount input the balance of address(this) == UniversalRouter.

  • Regarding _getFullCredit(currency).calculatePortion(bips), _getFullCredit() always returns a positive delta, which can be very small, or as said in case of 2 decimal tokens can be significant. If the desired bips have the same condition mentioned above, it will round down to 0 and the function will return 0. Then the following is called:

    _take(currency, _mapRecipient(recipient), _getFullCredit(currency).calculatePortion(bips));

    Making the user execute a take of 0 tokens. He loses nothing here, probably it will have an unexpeted revert due to delta != 0 from the PoolManager and that is all, yet it is incorrect router behaviour from valid specified inputs.

Proof of Concept

You can copy paste this contract in RemixIDE and try the following input to see it rounds down:

  • Amount: 20 -> Small dust amount or 20 cents of token from ERC20s with 2 decimals.
  • Percentage: 499 -> 4.99%
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @title For calculating a percentage of an amount, using bips
contract BipsLibrary {
    uint256 internal constant BPS_DENOMINATOR = 10_000;

    /// @notice emitted when an invalid percentage is provided
    error InvalidBips();

    /// @param amount The total amount to calculate a percentage of
    /// @param bips The percentage to calculate, in bips
    function calculatePortion(uint256 amount, uint256 bips) public pure returns (uint256) {
        if (bips > BPS_DENOMINATOR) revert InvalidBips();
        return (amount * bips) / BPS_DENOMINATOR;


At BipsLibrary.sol make sure that amount * percentage >= BPS_DENOMINATOR to avoid rounding down to 0.

If so you might as well revert and for example if user wanted to execute 400 bips on an 20 amount, which result in 0.8 if calculated correctly, he will just have to input 10000 bips on 0.8 amount. So the operations are still posible and now the code will at least calculate things as expected and prevent the user from unexpected results.