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181 lines (125 loc) · 7.34 KB


This role installs Checkmk on servers and manages sites.


The Checkmk Ansible Collection from which this role originates is needed to use it, as modules shipped by this collection are used in the role.

It can be installed as easy as running:

ansible-galaxy collection install checkmk.general

Distribution Support

This roles includes explicit distribution support. That means, that even if the role might run on other distributions, we can only verify, that it works on the ones listed in defaults/main.yml in the variable checkmk_server_server_stable_os.

To elaborate: We do not guarantee, that this role will work on them. But we do our best to stay as stable as possible on them. On top of that we have automated tests, that continuously test this role against a subset of distributions.

To learn about the distributions used in automated tests, inspect the corresponding molecule/*/molecule.yml.

Role Variables

checkmk_server_version: "2.3.0p27"

The global Checkmk version. This is used for installing Checkmk. To manage sites and their version, see checkmk_server_sites.

checkmk_server_edition: 'cre'

The edition you want to use. Valid values are cre, cfe, cee, cce and cme.

  • cre: Raw Edition, fully open source.
  • cfe: Free Edition, enterprise features, but limited hosts. Only available until Checkmk 2.1! For Checkmk 2.2, see cce.
  • cee: Enterprise Edition, full enterprise features.
  • cce: Cloud Edition, for cloud natives. Includes all enterprise features, and a free tier for a limited number of services.
  • cme: Managed Edition, for service providers.

For details about the editions see:

Note, that you need credentials, to download the following editions: cee and cme. See below variables, to set those.

checkmk_server_download_user: []
checkmk_server_download_pass: []

Your credentials to the Checkmk customer portal.

checkmk_server_verify_setup: 'true'

Cryptographically verify the downloaded Checkmk setup file.

checkmk_server_epel_gpg_check: 'true'

Cryptographically verify the downloaded epel-release package on RHEL 8.

checkmk_server_cleanup: 'false'

Uninstall unused Checkmk versions on the server.

checkmk_server_configure_firewall: 'true'

Automatically open the necessary ports on the Checkmk server for the web interface to be accessible.

checkmk_server_allow_downgrades: 'false'

Whether to allow downgrading a site's version. Note: this is not a recommended procedure, and will not be supported for enterprise customers.

  - name: 'mysite'
    version: "{{ checkmk_server_version }}"
    update_conflict_resolution: 'abort'
    state: 'started'
    admin_pw: 'mypass'
    omd_auto_restart: 'false'
      - var: AUTOSTART
        value: 'on'
      - name: 'mypackage'
        version: 1.0.0
        src: '/path/to/my.mkp'
        url: ''
        checksum: 'md5:mychecksum'
        installed: 'true'
        enabled: 'true'

A dictionary of sites, containing the desired version, admin password, site configuration options, extension packages and state. The more advanced settings will be outlined below.

Valid values for state are:

  • started: The site is started and enabled for autostart on system boot.
  • stopped: The site is stopped and disabled for autostart on system boot.
  • enabled: The site is stopped, but enabled for autostart on system boot.
  • disabled: The site is stopped and disabled for autostart on system boot.
  • present: The site is stopped and disabled for autostart on system boot.
  • absent: The site is removed from the system entirely.

If a higher version is specified for an existing site, a config update resolution method must first be given to update it. Valid choices include install, keepold and abort.

Site configuration can be passed with the omd_config keyword. The format can be seen above, for a list of variables run omd show on an existing site. Pay special attention to the omd_auto_restart variable! As site configuration needs the site to be stopped, this needs to be handled. By default the variable is set to false to avoid unexpected restarting. However, no configuration will be performed if the site is started.

Extension packages can also be listed to be installed on the specific central site. Remote sites will get extension packages replicated upon change activation. A source path can be set on the Ansible controller. Alternatively a URL can be specified to download the mkp package from directly. These options are mutually exclusive.

checkmk_server_backup_on_update: 'true'

Whether to back up sites when updating between versions. Only disable this if you plan on taking manual backups.

checkmk_server_backup_dir: '/tmp'

Directory to backup sites to when updating between versions. Of course /tmp/ is not a sane backup location, so change it!

checkmk_server_no_log: 'true'

Whether to log sensitive information like passwords. Ansible output will be censored for enhanced security by default. Set to false for easier troubleshooting. Be careful when changing this value in production, passwords may be leaked in operating system logs.


Tasks are tagged with the following tags:

Tag Purpose
download-package Download server package.
install-package Install server package with package manager.
install-prerequisites Install packages that are required for the role or server to work.
download-gpg-key Download Checkmk GPG key for verifying the package.
import-gpg-key Import the downloaded Checkmk GPG key for verifying the package.
include-os-family-vars Include OS family specific variables.
include-rhel-version-vars Include RHEL version specific variables.
set-selinux-boolean Set necessary SELinux booleans for Checkmk to work on SELinux enabled systems.
enable-repos Enable the required external repositories on RHEL based systems. Powertools on RHEL 7 and CentOS 8. CRB and EPEL on RHEL 8.
checkmk_server_epel_gpg_check Download and use GPG key verification for EPEL repository.
create-sites Create sites on the Checkmk server.
update-sites Update sites on the Checkmk server.
start-sites Start sites on the Checkmk server.
stop-sites Stop sites on the Checkmk server.
destroy-sites Destroy sites on the Checkmk server.
set-site-admin-pw Set the cmkadmin password of a site.
update-pause Pause with a warning when updating a site.
cleanup Clean up old Checkmk versions.

You can use Ansible to skip tasks, or only run certain tasks by using these tags. By default, all tasks are run when no tags are specified.



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
     - checkmk.general.server




This role is provided AS IS and we can and will not guarantee that the role works as intended, nor can we be accountable for any damage or misconfiguration done by this role. Study the role thoroughly before using it.



Author Information

Robin Gierse (@robin-checkmk)