---@meta ---@class StatsManager STATSMAN = {} --- Returns the accumulated played StageStats. ---@return StageStats function STATSMAN:GetAccumPlayedStageStats() end --- Returns the best final grade. ---@return Grade function STATSMAN:GetBestFinalGrade() end --- Returns the best grade. ---@return Grade function STATSMAN:GetBestGrade() end --- Returns the current StageStats. ---@return StageStats function STATSMAN:GetCurStageStats() end ---@return StageStats function STATSMAN:GetFinalEvalStageStats() end --- Returns player `pn`'s final grade. ---@param pn PlayerNumber function STATSMAN:GetFinalGrade(pn) end --- Get the StageStats from `iAgo` rounds ago. ---@param iAgo integer ---@return StageStats function STATSMAN:GetPlayedStageStats(iAgo) end --- Returns the number of stages played. ---@return integer function STATSMAN:GetStagesPlayed() end --- Returns the worst grade. ---@return Grade function STATSMAN:GetWorstGrade() end --- Resets the stats. function STATSMAN:Reset() end