This is the zeroslope microservice architecture using GO. Average response times are around ~2ms for api calls that use a database, and non-database api calls ~28μs. Memory footprint seems to be around 9.9mb of ram allocated to the go process when running the most expensive call.
Recently updated to reflect changes in GO 1.13.X.
Here is a list of the technologies used in this project:
- We use MODULES for package management.
- We use SWAG for swagger generation.
- We use DLV for Debugging in VSCODE
- We use GIN for http routing.
- We use VEGETA for load testing.
- We use GORM for our ORM layer.
- We use PG for postgres database access.
Here is an overall layout of what endpoints come with this architecture:
Method | Route | Description |
N/A | /swagger/index.html | Swagger UI |
GET | /health/ | Health check. |
POST | /auth/# | Creates a JWT token for access. |
GET | /sample | Gets a list of records. |
GET | /sample/:id | Gets a record by id. |
POST | /sample/ | Creates a record. |
PUT | /sample/ | Updates a record. |
DELETE | /sample/:id | Deletes a record. |
Currently I write my golang in VSCODE and use the following commands:
go mod vendor
cd src; swag init; cd ..
go run main.go
Visit: http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
docker run --name pgdb -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=P4ssw0rd! -e POSTGRES_DB=zeroslope -d postgres