Описание работы cbp2ndk EN | RU
Скачать Code::Blocks
to Android NDK
configuration converter v. (03.07.2019)
-a, --auto find .cbp project file from current directory
-c, --cbp path to .cbp project file
-d, --dump dump current configuration
-t, --tag building tag: Debug|Release|OtherTag
-q, --quiet quiet all messages
-v, --verbose verbose output to console
-n --nodefault no set default values (libs, include paths)
--cbtmpl install C::B wizard template Makefile file
--api android API number (Application.mk)
--abi android ABI platform (Application.mk)
--ndkopt android NDK options (Application.mk)
cbp2ndk.exe <BuildTag> <path\project.cbp>
cbp2ndk.exe -t <BuildTag> -c <path\project.cbp> -v
cbp2ndk.exe -a --api android-28 --abi armeabi-v7a --ndkopt debug
cbp2ndk.exe -a