Topics to cover for the docker lunch and learn. Will turn into a micro quest on for learning
I'd love to hear thoughts for the Docker lunch and learn. Immediatly my goal will probably be to Dockerize a basic rails application which uses sidekiq and MariaDB.
- A brief history of containers
- Everything you need to know to make your boss love you // Containers have a business use case that even CEO's would love.
- Containers, but what about serverless?!?!?!?!
- Why developers should love containers
- Link to the github repo for the demo rails app
- Building and running our first container
- Step backwards: Build a Dockerfile for the rails app
- Tagging
- Introducing docker compose and services (sidecar container concept)
- docker-compose.yml // Mariadb
- docker-compose.yml // redshift
- docker-compose rails
- Walk through of the app and connectivity information // Will be default but we will want to show/teach everyone how to connect to the services using the proper environment variables
- Docker in production ** swarm ** kubernetes ** ecs ** service communication and service discovery ** CI / CD piplines ** Container security (tease)