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Switchboard examples

This directory contains a number of examples showing how to use switchboard as a Python or C++ library, as well as how to integrate it into RTL for simulation.

We suggest that you start with the umiram tutorial. This shows how to integrate switchboard modules into testbench RTL, how to compile a testbench with Verilator, and how to interact with the resulting RTL simulator from Python. It's also a good introduction to the read(), write(), and atomic() operations in UMI.

Other examples of using switchboard to interact with UMI-based RTL modules include:

  • umi_endpoint: Module that converts UMI packets to signaling for an SRAM (write enable, read/write address, etc.).
  • umi_fifo: Module that buffers UMI packets.
  • umi_fifo_flex: Module that serves as an adapter between UMI buses with different data widths, by splitting UMI packets according to rules in the UMI specification.
  • umi_gpio: Demonstrates a mechanism for bit-level interaction with RTL through slice accesses in Python. This can be a convenient mechanism for controlling non-UMI signals.
  • umi_splitter: Module that routes UMI packets to one of two destinations according to the address.

umi_mem_cpp is a bit different: it shows how to model a UMI memory using switchboard's C++ library, without RTL. The test logic is still driven from Python.

If you're interested in using SW modeling for an interface other than UMI, check out the minimal example. This demonstrates how to read and write data payloads from C++, and use these payloads to interact with a running RTL simulation. It's also an example of how to switch between the Verilator and Icarus Verilog simulators (summary: set tool='icarus' or tool='verilator' when you instantiate SbDut).

The python example is similar to the minimal example, except that the interaction with RTL is driven with Python instead of from C++. This is often a convenient way to get started with test development, later moving some of the implementation to C++ if needed for performance reasons.

We also provide a mechanism for bridging switchboard connections over TCP, which may be useful if you're running a simulation or FPGA-based emulator on one machine, but want to interact with it from another machine. The tcp example shows how to set this up; it's mostly a matter of calling start_tcp_bridge on the server and client sides.