Soulbound are the product of a magic ritual to bound one's soul to an inatimate object. Soulbound are commonly created using the souls of noblemen and magic users seeking to cheat death. On the other hand, many an unwitting soldier has found themselves bound to golems and suits of armor to create nigh unstoppable warriors. Souldbound are commonly bound to golem like forms, suits of armor, or human remains such as skeletons, while the latter has fallen out of practice. For the former two types, use the Warforged race, for the latter, use the Undead race, which can be found on this repo.
Bathed in eternal night, Carcosa is a den of hedonism , with every visitor given a mask said to show one's truest self. No one truly knows its location, and the city itself is even stranger. It's natives, known as Changelings, slip into new faces like one changes clothes. The rulers of Carcosa are the enigmatic masked lords, each one bearing there own form of madness. The rules for Changelings can be found in Wayfinders Guide to Eberron.
Around a century ago, a colossal war broke out, with nearly everyone getting involved. One faction, the nation known as Caelondia, discovered something that could turn the tide of the war in their favor. A cache of ancient magical constructs, each bearing unrivaled power. The war turned in their favor, until each other group put aside their rivalries to bring down Caelondia. Seeing their reign at it's end, the ruler of Caelondia unleashed the greatest finding among the wonders they wielded in battle. Something known only as the Burning Sky. The world shook as all of Caelondia burned to the ground in seconds, leaving only ashes and ruins known now as the Ash Wastes. Those who inhabit the Charred Land now scavenge the waste, relying on the poorly understood wonders of the old world to survive.
The remnants and descendants of the Caelondian military, this faction believes they are the rightful rulers of the Wastes. Led by General Theodoric, the son of a major Caelondian military leader.
Consisting of loosely organized settlements and bandit groups, Revelry takes advantage of the anarchy of the Ash Wastes, fighting off the other factions to keep it unsettled and untouched. Bears an unkown connection to Carcosa.
A group of wizards, artificers, and mercenaries who hunt for lost magical wonders hidden throughout the Wastes, viewing these wonders with a religious awe.
The only formally recognized faction within the Wastes, the Ash Pact is a compound between multiple settlements providing mutual protection and trade. Likely the only thing resembling order within the Wastes.