Releases: CompCogNeuro/sims
Version 1.0.1 Release!
Sims are complete and tested across all 3 platforms. Full binaries available for each platform.
Chapter 10 complete -- skipped 9 so that is final chapter to finish
Fixed a few minor display issues in v1rf and objrec, and the bg model gating is working more accurately and more closely matches the C++ model (not a big diff from before).
Again only mac binaries here -- others by request.
ch8 done
chapter 7 bg and rl_cond done (not doing pvlv and cereb for a while)
chapter 7 bg and rl_cond are now included, and also realized that icons were not likely loading for those who hadn't installed the source, so that was fixed as well.
pvlv will require considerable more work but the infrastructure is now in place and it should be done after the rest of the sims are completed.
cereb requires a virtual reality arm and that will be a while before we have a suitable physics engine for that, so please use the C++ version for now.
Chapter 6 complete
Currently only releasing mac binaries until I hear otherwise -- email me if you need them.
note: just added fix for plot that doesn't draw negative-x lines (e.g., re-runs that accumulate on same plot) -- code otherwise the same.
ch6 v1rf and objrec working -- attn still not yet
will have another release asap with attn.
may not include binaries for anything not being used in mjf class
Added ch4/hebberr_combo simulation, some bug fixes
This includes the new model from @frankmj in ch4, README button now works on linux and windows, and other non-critical bugfixes for gui etc.
On 10/17/19 updated mac to latest Go compiler so it should work on MacOs Catalina.
Chapters 2-4 Complete
This release contains full complete versions of simulations for chapters 2-4, along with compiled binaries.
Initial test release with chapters 2-4 nearly complete
Has all the sims complete except ch4/self_org which needs the README updated etc. Testing binary release process here.