The following wiki page explains how to run the two required components of Mahuta: IPFS and Elasticsearch
- Create a virtual network
Let's create a private Docker network to make our containers able to communicate together.
$ docker network create mahuta-network
- Start IPFS daemon
Start an IPFS daemon to join the IPFS network and expose the port 4001 (peer2p networking) and 5001 (API)
$ docker run -d --name ipfs \
-v /path/to/ipfs/export:/export \
-v /path/to/ipfs/data:/data/ipfs
-p :4001:4001 \
-p :5001:5001 \
--net mahuta-network \
- Start ElasticSearch
Start ElasticSearch database used as a content indexer.
$ docker run -d --name elasticsearch \
-v /path/to/elasticsearch:/data/elasticsearch \
-p 9200:9200 \
-p 9300:9300 \
-e "discovery.type=single-node" \
--net mahuta-network \