- more
unit testable code
- Watch submissions' status dynamically.
- Clone all codes of someone.
- List problems' stats of one contest.
- 题目获取
oi problem Codeforces 1234A
- 提交语言信息
oi lang Codeforces
- 平台特殊配置? |
oi browser www.codeforces.com [--rcpc rcpc]
| - 缩写名字工具?
- webbrowser support aes codeforces
- Test with debug / product
- 增加事件 通知(插件支持)
- 需要捕获 并重新输出 编译 和 运行时的stderr
- stack-size:
- todo fix atcoder abc334 stack-overflow 过多递归core dump,需要ulimit,调用docker? ./Main < in.testcase28.txt: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- Windows: g++ -Wl,--stack=268435456 file.cpp works in
- Linux:
- ulimit -s 262144 (256mb, 我电脑目前默认是8mb)
- ulimit -s unlimited (这个非root会报错ulimit: stack size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted)
- MacOS:
- stack_size