We protect your data.
- All data are written to multiple disks instantly, backed up daily, and stored in multiple locations.
- Files that our customers upload are stored on servers that use modern techniques to remove bottlenecks and points of failure.
Your data are sent using HTTPS.
- Whenever your data are in transit between you and us, everything is encrypted and sent using HTTPS.
- Within our firewalled private networks, data may be transferred unencrypted.
Any files which you upload to us are stored and are encrypted at rest.
- Our application databases are generally not encrypted at rest; the information you add to the applications is active in our databases and subject to the same protection and monitoring as the rest of our systems.
- Our database backups are encrypted using GPG.
Full redundancy for all major systems.
- Our servers are run by Google. We rely on their state-of-the-art systems engineering because it is the most reliable, most scalable, the most secure system available.
Regularly-updated infrastructure.
- Our software infrastructure is updated regularly with the latest security patches.
- Our products run on a dedicated network which is locked down with firewalls and carefully monitored.
- While perfect security is a moving target, we work with security researchers to keep up with the state-of-the-art in web security.
Have a concern? Need to report an incident?
- Have you noticed abuse, misuse, an exploit, or experienced an incident with your account? Please contact us at info@culturalyst.com for details on how to securely submit a report.