Releases: DGP-Studio/Snap.Hutao
- 修复 🔨
- 修复了新安装用户初次进入主界面会崩溃的问题
Update Log
- Fix 🔨
- Fixed the crash issue for new users when entering the main window
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.9.2...1.9.3
- 新增 ➕
- 游戏启动器中新增开启 Windows 原生 HDR 选项
- 游戏启动器中新增切换功能对国际服账号的支持
- 设置页中新增删除转服功能缓存的选项
- 设置页中新增以管理员模式重启程序的选项
- 新增 WebView 分享图片到剪贴板的功能
- 修复 🔨
- 修复了特定的米游社页面在 Webview 中无法被正常操作的问题
- 在应用标题栏中增加显眼的管理员模式标识以展示 Snap Hutao 当前是否以管理员模式运行
- 修复了转换服务器造成游戏路径异常的问题
- 更正了深境螺旋页面的文档链接
- 优化 ✨
- 实时便笺数据转发 Webhook 中增加了账号识别字段
- 设置中所有的危险选项现在都有二次确认
- 从使用 Powershell 设置游戏账号更改为直接设置注册表以避免
错误 - 优化了自动连点快捷键设置的 UI
- 转换服务器优化了对 Program Files 等特殊路径的检查
- 优化了 WebView 在部分页面下的滚动表现
- 优化了设置 Discord Activity 的性能
Update Log
- New ➕
- Added Windows native HDR option in Game Launcher
- Added support of HoYoverse accounts in Game Launcher account switch feature
- Added option of deleting server conversion cache file in Settings page
- Added restart as admin option in Settings page
- Added the function of sharing pictures to the clipboard in WebView
- Fix 🔨
- Fixed the issue that some MiHoYo BBS pages operations cannot be done in Webview
- Added conspicuous mark of Admin Mode on windows title to indicate whether if Snap Hutao is running as administrator
- Fixed game path error after server conversion
- Fixed the document link on Spiral Abyss page
- Optimization ✨
- Added account identification field in Real-time Note data forwarding webhook
- All options in Danger Zone on Settings page now have double confirmations
- Change to way of game account switch from PowerShell of directly modify regedit to avoid error when Windows Long Path is not enabled
- Optimized UI of auto-click feature shortcut settings card
- Added checks for special paths such as Program Files during server conversion
- Optimized the scrolling performance of WebView on some pages
- Optimized the performance of Discord Activity
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.9.1...1.9.2
- 修复
- 修复了在用户系统文字缩放比例不为100%时,进入游戏启动器页面时会导致程序崩溃的问题
- 修复了一个由实时便笺功能导致程序在启动时崩溃的问题
- 修复了实时便笺有概率与用户信息同时加载导致死锁的问题
- 优化
- 在游戏启动器添加/选择游戏路径页面增强了用户提示
Update Log
- Fix 🔨
- Fixed crash on Game Launcher page when user text zoom is not set as 100%
- Fixed crash caused by Realtime Notes during the program startup
- Fixed the issue where Realtime Notes may be loaded simultaneously with user account information, result in reentrancy
- Optimizations ✨
- Enhanced prompt to add or select game path in Game Launcher
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.9.0...1.9.1
Snap Hutao 在近期获得了 SignPath 基金会的赞助的代码签名证书。自1.9.0版本起,我们将使用全新的证书为 Snap Hutao 安装包签名。
你可以阅读1.9.0 版本重大改变详解一文来更深入地了解这次版本更新中签名变化对 Snap Hutao 项目的改变。
- 新增 ➕
- 修复 🔨
- 优化 ✨
- 本地化 🌏
- 客户端增加了印尼语选项,感谢 @NatsumeAoii提供的翻译 #1188
- 客户端增加了俄语翻译,感谢 @QweRezOn 提供的翻译
- 完善了客户端本地化字串符覆盖 #1198
- 更新了现有语言的翻译
Update Log
Snap Hutao recently obtained sponsorship from the SignPath Foundation for code signing certificates. Starting from version 1.9.0, we will use a brand-new certificate to sign Snap Hutao installation packages.
Programs with the new signature will be incompatible with old versions. Users updating from versions 1.8.4 and older to 1.9.0 and newer versions need to uninstall the old version first and then perform a fresh installation of the new version of the client. Due to the design of Snap Hutao's data directory, users will not lose any important data.
You can read the article Explanation of Breaking Changes in Version 1.9.0 for a deeper understanding of how the signature changes in this version update affect the Snap Hutao project.
- New Features ➕
- The game launcher now supports multiple game paths #525
- Added QR code login method for miHoYo in the user panel #870
- The client now automatically detects network status and displays the results in the settings page #1116
- Added an option in the game launcher to start Genshin Impact in touch mode #1173
- Add option to change in-game announcement source in the settings page, now you may select oversea severs as the source and display announcements with same lanague of your Snap Hutao #1112
- Only available when there is valid regular expression in Crowdin translation (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English are supported now)
- Added an option in the settings to enable the console. Users can now get more error prompts when troubleshooting by enabling this option.
- Introduced a completely new logic for software updates.
- Bug Fixes 🔨
- Fixed an issue with miHoYo API returning a
error when fetching character information #1060 - Fixed the issue that Game Launcher cannot unlock framerate limit in Genshin Impact 4.3 version #1190
- Fixed an issue with incorrect countdown data for miHoYo announcements in specific situations.
- Fixed incorrect PowerShell statements.
- Fixed an issue with miHoYo API returning a
- Optimizations ✨
- Improved error prompt statements in development calculations, making error messages more explicit #1163
- Optimized the interface of development calculations, now showing specific goals for each item #1016
- Optimized the display of Hutao account information on the main interface, no longer displaying user email addresses #1160
- Updated error prompts for Hutao API.
- Optimized the settings page interface; users can now view the size of data and cache directories generated by Snap Hutao in the settings.
- Removed Microsoft Store buttons
- Localization 🌏
- Added Indonesian language option in the client, thanks to contribution by @NatsumeAoii #1188
- Added Russian language option in the client, thanks to contribution by @QweRezOn
- Improved client localization string character coverage #1198
- Updated translations for existing languages.
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.8.4...1.9.0
- 修复
- 优化
- 更新了胡桃云服务的相关文本
- 优化了游戏启动与结束时的 Discord Activity 追踪表现
- 调整了角色/武器资料/我的角色页面,现在缩放窗口时内容将不再高频闪烁
- 优化了启动游戏页面切换服务器时的性能,现在会使用多线程分片下载资源文件
- 优化了启动游戏页面切换服务器时的逻辑,现在会提前检查对应目录是否拥有需要的文件权限
Update Log
- Fix
- Optimization
- Updated Snap Hutao Cloud prompts text
- Optimized Discord Activity tracking performance at the beginning and the end of game
- Optimized resize performance on Character WIKI/Weapon WIKI/My Character pages
- Optimized performance of server conversion, multi-thread downloading on multipart content is now enabled
- Optimized server conversion logic, Snap Hutao will not check folder writing permission before the task
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.8.3...1.8.4
Update Log
- Fix
- Optimization
- Includes .NET environment with the package
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.8.1...1.8.3
- 新增
- 启动游戏新增 Discord Activity 同步功能,开启后在游玩时会自动同步状态 #1082
- 修复
- 优化
Update Log
- Add
- Added Discord Activity synchronization functions in Game Launcher, it syncs game status when playing Genshin Impact #1082
- Fix
- Fixed the issue where navigating from Wish Export page Hutao Cloud panel to Spiral Abyss page would not synchronize the navigation bar options #1116
- Fixed the issue that Auto Click feature cannot bind with
key #1119 - Fixed item refresh issue after switching plans in Dev Plan #1099
- Fixed issue that only blank name json file can be imported in
page #1124 - Fixed full package download link under Resource Download page in Game Launcher, it is replaced with split files link #1126
- Fixed the notification issues from Realtime Note, includes wrong content, repeated notifications and unexpectedly bypass client mode #1123
- Optimization
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.8.1
- 升级了 .NET 版本到 8 #1103
- 修复
- 修复了胡桃通行证注册/注销/重置密码提示未翻译的问题 #1087 by @Tangweirui2021
- 修复了养成计划页面首排物品在切换计划后无法正确刷新的问题 #1099
- 修复了启动游戏页面 无边框与独占全屏无法同时设置的问题 #1106
- 替换了文件选择器的实现,解决了无法在管理员模式下使用文件选择器的问题 #1096
- 修复了启动时初始化用户信息可能导致程序假死的问题
- 修复了部分页面在切换后会产生不必要的异常的问题
- 修复了部分异常无法正常捕获的问题
- 优化
- 为元数据初始化添加了更详细的失败信息
Update Logs
- Upgraded .NET version to 8 #1103
- Fixes
- Fixed translation issues with Hutao Passport registration/logoff/reset password prompts #1087 by @Tangweirui2021
- Fixed an issue with the first-row items on the Dev Plan page not refreshing correctly after switching plans #1099
- Fixed an issue on the Game Launcher page where borderless and exclusive fullscreen could not be set simultaneously #1106
- Replaced the file pickers implementation, resolving the problem of being unable to use the file pickers under administrator privilege #1096
- Fixed an issue where initializing user information at startup could lead to program freezing
- Fixed unnecessary exceptions occurring on certain pages after being switched from
- Fixed issues with some exceptions not being captured properly
- Optimization
- Added more detailed failure information for metadata initialization
What's Changed
- fix user log in/register/unregister/reset password info bar localization by @Tangweirui2021 in #1090
- Bump the packages group in /src/Snap.Hutao with 1 update by @dependabot in #1094
- .NET 8 Migration by @Lightczx in #1103
- Bump the packages group in /src/Snap.Hutao with 1 update by @dependabot in #1111
- New Crowdin updates by @Masterain98 in #1091
- Development for 1.8.0 by @Lightczx in #1114
New Contributors
- @Tangweirui2021 made their first contribution in #1090
Full Changelog: 1.7.17...1.8.0
- 修复
- 优化
Update Log
- Fix
- Fixed the issue that the first item in Dev Plan won't be refresh after switching the plan #1079
- Fixed the issue that wish record URL for global server cannot be found #1081
- Fixed the issue that error log cannot be captured correctly in some specific situations
- Fixed wrong wish record time issue
- Fixed the data exception in MiHoYo BBS web pop-ups
- Fixed the issue of wrong corner radius settings of mask of history/character/weapon page in Wish History
- Fixed the wrong announcement time in time zone other than UTC+8
- Optimization
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.7.16...1.7.17
- 新增
- 修复
- 优化
Update Log
- Add
- Fix
- Optimization
完整更新日志/What's Changed
- Added a master switch for launchOptions by @qhy040404 in #1065
- Set IsEnabled by a new property instead of setting it separately for … by @qhy040404 in #1073
- Development for 1.7.16 by @Lightczx in #1075
- New Crowdin updates by @Masterain98 in #1063
- New Crowdin updates (#1063) by @Lightczx in #1076
New Contributors
- @qhy040404 made their first contribution in #1065
Full Changelog: 1.7.15...1.7.16