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DSH105 edited this page Aug 11, 2013 · 14 revisions

The config.yml is the main Configuration File for the EchoPet plugin, containing many useful features that can be enabled and disabled. If any values are lost from the file, they will automatically regenerate the next time the server restarts or reloads, meaning that if the file is cleared, a default config.yml will generate. Comments will also reappear if lost.

The following table can be used as a guide to configuring the config.yml, generated in the /plugins/EchoPet directory.

Configuration Option Default Function And Explanation
commandString pet The string used when registering the plugin’s main command. If it is set to ec, the main command will be /ec.
autoUpdate false Boolean value that determines whether the plugin automatically downloads new releases without notifying the console.
checkForUpdates true Boolean value. Activates or deactivates the AutoUpdate Checker. Players with the echopet.update permission will be notified of updates if set to true.
sql.override true If true, Pets saved to a MySQL Database will override those saved to a file (Default and AutoSave Pets)
sql.timeout 30 Time, in minutes before the MySQL Connection is reset
sql.use false Whether or not to utilise MySQL localhost Database Host
sql.port 3306 Database Port
sql.database EchoPet Database Name
sql.username none Database Authentication
sql.password none Database Authentication
debug false Activates the EchoPet Debug Logger. If an issue is found with the plugin, activate this to find any important stack traces for the developer.
autoSave true Controls activation of the EchoPet AutoSave Function. Useful to prevent data loss in the event of a server crash.
autoSaveTimer 180 The interval at which AutoSave will save all pets to a file.
requireDefaultPerm false If true, the older echopet.echopet permission will be required for using the plugin. Only in place to ease transition to the new permissions system in EchoPet 2.
petTagVisible true Boolean value. True: Pet Name Tags will always be visible. False: Pet Name Tags will only be visible when a player hovers over them.
startWalkDistance 12 Distance away from the player before their Pet navigates towards them. 12 equates to approx 4 blocks.
stopWalkDistance 8 Distance away from the player before their Pet stops navigating towards them.
teleportDistance 30 Distance away from the player before their Pet teleports.
flyTeleport false Boolean value. True: As previously in EchoPet 1.5, Pets will continually teleport to their owner if they are flying. False: Pets will remain on the ground and only teleport if the player gets too far away.
attack.canAttackPlayers false Whether Pets are allowed to attack players
attack.lockRange 10 Distance away a target can be before a Pet locks on.
attack.ticksBetweenAttacks 20 Time in ticks between each attack.
multiworldSaveLoadOverride true When true, if autoLoadSavedPets is set to false, Pets will still be loaded when players switch worlds
autoLoadSavedPets true Boolean value. True: Pets saved by AutoSave are automatically loaded when the owner logs in.
autoLoadDefaultPets true Loading of set default pets can be globally disabled.
rideSpeed 0.35 The speed at which the pet travels when ridden by its owner.
rideJump 0.5 Height that a Pet can jump.
sendForceMessage true If a data value is forced by configuration (see below), a message will be sent to the player notifying them of forced data.

Pets Section

Each Pet has multiple configurable options specific to each type. There are three values that are common to all Pet Types:

  • Enable (pets.<type>.enable)

    • Able to block specific Pet Types server-side
  • Default Pet Name (pets.<type>.defaultName)

    • The name every Pet is given when spawned without one

    • If this value contains (user), the owner's name will be inserted

      • For example, if the owner's name was DSH105:

      The Pet of (user)

      would show as:

      The Pet of DSH105

    • If this value contains (userApos), the owner's name will be inserted, along with an apostrophe

      • For example, if the owner's name was DSH105:

      (userApos) Pet

      would show as:

      DSH105's Pet

  • Attack Damage (pets.<type>.attackDamage)

    • The amount of damage each Pet does when attacking a target.

Other Values

  • Any values under pet.<type>.allow, define whether the server allows certain Pet Data types.

    • For example, the following configuration would allow Blaze Pets to have mounts, but not be on fire.
            mounts: true
            fire: false
  • Any values under pet.<type>.force, define whether the server forces certain Pet Data types.

    • For example, the following configuration would force all Sheep Pets to be Blue and Babies. The Black colour would be optional, but not seen as it would be overridden by the Blue colour
            blue: true
            baby: true
            black: false

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