Releases: Daniel09Fernandes/DinosOffice
Releases · Daniel09Fernandes/DinosOffice
DinosOffice - Release
What's Changed
- Ajuste na adição de bordas by @Daniel09Fernandes in #1
- Adicionado o LibreOffice_writer, Nova funcionalidade de converter Cli… by @Daniel09Fernandes in #3
- Atualização da demo by @Daniel09Fernandes in #4
- Adicionado a compatibilidade com o Delphi 7 by @Daniel09Fernandes in #5
- Novos recursos by @Daniel09Fernandes in #6
- Ajuste projeto DCUs by @Daniel09Fernandes in #7
- Removido a dependencia do Edge by @Daniel09Fernandes in #8
- Ajuste caminho das DCU's by @Daniel09Fernandes in #9
- Ajuste caminhos da DCU's Debug by @Daniel09Fernandes in #10
- Ajuste no array dos Fields by @Daniel09Fernandes in #11
- Inclusão de novas cores em uOpenOfficeCollors.pas by @Daniel09Fernandes in #13
- Create by @Daniel09Fernandes in #14
- Issue 2 : fix to Array of the fields, Insert de DocVisible option, to hidde documents, insert the thread options by @Daniel09Fernandes in #16
- Issue-2 Add File Thread by @Daniel09Fernandes in #17
- Issue - 2 Compatibilidade by @Daniel09Fernandes in #18
- Create FUNDING by @Daniel09Fernandes in #23
- Teste de branch by @DinosTestes in #24
- Limpeza e estruturação do codigo by @Daniel09Fernandes in #26
- Main into versionOficial by @Daniel09Fernandes in #28
- Include the setCellWidth #29 by @Daniel09Fernandes in #30
- Update by @Daniel09Fernandes in #31
- Compatibility with DX7 {Cell Size #29}#35 by @Daniel09Fernandes in #36
- Update by @Daniel09Fernandes in #37
- Update by @Daniel09Fernandes in #38
- Firsts changes by @jcaique in #39
- Organizando os fontes com a nova estrutura by @Daniel09Fernandes in #42
- Update by @Daniel09Fernandes in #44
- Update by @Daniel09Fernandes in #45
- Update by @Daniel09Fernandes in #46
- Update readme by @Daniel09Fernandes in #50
- Update - Local by @Daniel09Fernandes in #51
- #52 Update by @Daniel09Fernandes in #53
- Update by @Daniel09Fernandes in #54
- Melhoria nas bordas by @Daniel09Fernandes in #55
New Contributors
- @DinosTestes made their first contribution in #24
- @jcaique made their first contribution in #39
Full Changelog: