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Facilities to manage coding challenges.

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Table of Contents:

  1. Purpose
  2. Install
  3. Usage
    1. Basic example
    2. Advanced example
  4. Contributing
  5. Complete configuration reference
    1. First level
    2. Project reference
    3. Challenge reference


Use codechecker to manage coding challenge hosted entirely on Github. This have as advantage that every one can apply to the challenge easily, we can use the already implemented Github social coding suites like issues, pull requests, pages and actions and users are invited to populate their Github profiles with repository that shows their skills.

In 2022, coding challenges are even used to determine what kind of employee companies might hire. Being able to create coding challenges and make them easy to access could mean more potentially developers to admit to a more advanced interview.

Other repository hosting sites are not supported at the moment. Return here in the future or start contributing.


You can install codechecker using pip:

pip install cc_codechecker


Using codechecker for a coding challenge is very simple.

Init a new challenge inside your current repository using the facility:

cc_codechecker init

This command will create a new .codechecker.yml file inside your root directory. Obv, you can create that file by your own. Then, specify what programming languages you support and how you support them! You can declare, for example:

  1. What version of specified language you support (not implemented)
  2. What dialect of specified language you support (not implemented)
  3. How many points you assign for each problem solved (not implemented)

More features will be added. Return here in the future or start contributing.

> We enforce the use of . preceding codechecker files inside challenge repository to make it hidden by default on many know system, to let users focus more and better on the challenge.

Warning! Running init command in a repository that already hold a configuration file return an EX_CANTCREATE(73) error. To overwrite current configuration, run with the option --overwrite-yml.

Basic example

The following code can be considered the minimum configuration for a challenge.

For the simplest example of codechecker use this short configuration:

challenge: base
project: bash

This represent the following folder structure:

- <challenge-name>/
    - bash/
    - .codechecker.yml

This basic example shows how to prepare a challenge that supports only bash language with only one challenge called base. Executing a score keeping command, like cc_codechecker run, inside this repo will means:

  1. Start collecting points for the challenge base
  2. Try to run bash program inside bash folder without any argument without expecting any output
  3. Give no points to users, commenting only if the challenge was completed or not

> You can use codechecker in tandem with the related Github Action to collect that score file and create a Github Pages landing page for your challenge.

Advanced example

The following code is used for a challenge supporting many languages and assigning more points for more difficult challenges.

For the simplest example of codechecker inside the yaml file write this code:

# Project definitions (for any challenge declared)
  # Project with custom folder name
  - language: 'bash'
    folder: 'for-shell-lovers'

  # Simple project
  - language: csharp

# Challenges definitions
  # Simple challenge (doesn't score points)
  - name: challenge1

  # Challenge with value (score points)
  - value: 1

  # Challenge that take input from file
  - name: challenge3
    argument: input_challenge3.txt
    result: result_challenge3.txt

  # Challenge that take input from array
  - name: challenge4
    arguments: [1, 1]
    results: [2]

  # Challenge with additional projects
  - value: 5
    argument: input_challenge5.txt
    result: result_challenge5.txt
    projects: [!csharp]

  # Challenge with additional complex projects
  - argument: input6.txt
    result: result6.txt
    projects: [csharp]

This configuration means the following folder structure:

- <challenge-name>-solutions/
    - input_challenge3.txt
    - result_challenge3.txt
    - input_challenge4.txt
    - result_challenge4.txt
    - input5.txt
    - result5.txt

- <challenge-name>/
    - for-shell-lovers/
    - csharp/
        - csharp.csproj
        - program.cs
    - .codechecker.yml
    - readme

This is a really complex configuration that can be explained as following:

  1. Compute the first challenge named challenge1 a. Try to execute the project for-shell-lovers coded with bash language without any input, without collecting any results b. Try to execute the project csharp without any input, without collecting any result
  2. Compute the second challenge that assign 1 points a. If for-shell-lovers exit with a successfully result, mark challenge as resolved b. If csharp exit with a successfully result, mark challenge as resolved c. If the challenge is marked as resolved, assign points
  3. Compute the third challenge that doesn't assign any points a. Get the content of the file input_challenge3.txt and copy it in the same folder of the project for-shell-lovers as input.txt b. If for-shell-lovers exit with a successfully result giving as input the current relative path to the copied file, check it's content and if correspond to the contents of the file result_challenge3.txt, mark challenge as resolved c. If csharp exit with a successfully result giving as input the current relative path to the copied file, check it's content and if correspond to the contents of the file result_challenge3.txt, mark challenge as resolved d. If the challenge is marked as resolved, assign points
  4. Compute the fourth challenge that doesn't assign any points. This challenge instead giving files as inputs, give data as arguments
  5. Compute the fifth challenge that assign 5 points, without executing csharp project, permitting users to resolve this challenge using only bash language
  6. Compute the sixth challenge that doesn't assign any points only for bash language
!:The option for excluding or including projects is not implemented yet.


Contributions are welcome! Check out Contributing Guidelines.

Complete configuration reference

All features listed here are implemented. This is not a code documentation.

First level

Define each step of the challenge, assigning to each of them. This is required in each configuration.
Define the name of the output score file name.
Define the list of projects inside the repository. This is required in each configuration. See Project for option reference of this yaml section.

Project reference


Define the programming language for the project. This is required for each project.

Supported programming languages are:

  • Bash, using bash (other sh dialect for small things work the same, but are not tested)
  • CSharp, using dotnet

Challenge reference

Define a step of the challenge.

It can assign points to score the attempt.

Define the name of the challenge. Use in challenge run report.
Points to assign completing the challenge. Don't give value if you don't wan't to evaluate that step.
Name of the file to give as input to the challenge. Giving input exclude inputs.
Name of the file to give as result checker. Giving result exclude results.
Array of items to give as input to the challenge. Giving inputs exclude input.
Array of items to give as result checker.