If you're looking for places to play around with these API calls and/or just run tests against your application, you might want to try our sandbox environments:
URL: https://sportplaces-api-staging.herokuapp.com
This environment is a replica of our production environment, with a representative dataset and fully functional API endpoints
URL: https://sportplaces-develop.herokuapp.com
This environment is NOT recommended for production. This contains the latest additions to our API and some of them might not yet be ready for usage. Even though most of what's here is soon to be deployed, we cannot guarantee it will continue to work as features are still being tested/developed.
In case you have specific needs for a new environment, get in touch with us at sportplacesapi@decathlon.comWe've also crafted a set of pre-configured API calls into a Postman collection for you to play with and get familiar with all the endpoints we offer.
The request examples include all possible filter keys and values.
Link: Postman Collection