This repository holds the code for the implementation of the one_pass algorithms, developed for the DestinationEarth project: and and licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
These algorithms are intelligent data reduction techniques to process streamed climate model output data on-the-fly to produce statistical summaries or derived computations.
The algorithms take as input any Python Xarray object (either a Dataset or a DataArray) and will compute the requested statistics based on the user configuration yml file.
The code is ready to be implemented into a workflow which passes output data from climate models of arbitary chunk (number of time steps) length.
No active development of the one-pass is occuring in this repository - that is occuring in a private repository. This repository contains the tagged version v0.6.2 used for publication. For any questions on development please contact
As there is currently no package-based installation for the one_pass
the source must be obtained. This can easily be done (on any platform with internet connection) by cloning the repository directly:
git clone
After cloning, set up the environment using either conda or mamba (in the command below mamba can be replaced by conda if you do not have mamba installed):
cd one_pass
mamba env create -f environment.yml
conda activate env_opa
In any platform without interent connection, we have provided installation instructions using Docker in the documentation.
All the information on how to install, configure and run the one_pass package is given the documentation, found in the docs folder.
For all feedback, comments and issues, feel free to open an issue or email me at