When you become a member and/or contributor, you’re joining our community of developers and designers who make use of facebook technologies while building their projects. And like every growing community, we practice a few ground rules about expected behavior from everyone. These guidelines cover both online (e.g. mailing lists, facebook group) and offline (e.g. in-person meetups) behavior. Violations of this code of conduct can result:
- Temporarily banned from the DevC Ado Ekiti Facebook group and/or DevC Ado Ekiti organization on github.
- Permanently banned from the DevC Ado Ekiti Facebook group and/or DevC Ado Ekiti organization on github.
- Permanently removed from the DevC Ado community.
Respect: We're all part of the same community, be friendly, welcoming, and generally a nice person. All members of DevC Ado Ekiti are expected to be of most polite manner when interacting with other members. Treat others how you want to be treated, be someone that other people want to be around. It’s all about “team effort.”
Considerate: All opinions matter, in some cases you would find yourself compromising and that is the team spirit. You are not a team because you work together, you are team because you trust, respect and care for each other.
Patience: You would be working with a lot of people who are unique in their own way, patience is a virtue that would go a long way for comfort.
Licensing: Please adhere to licensing rules on any open source project you get to work on under DevC Ado Ekiti.
Collaboration: You are not generally expected to complete tasks alone, reach out and get other team members involved.
Harassment: Due to race, religion or gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, or other protected category is never welcome at Developer Circles Ado Ekiti.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Safety: At any offline DevC Ado Ekiti meetups or events, there shall be no weapons allowed, and no smoking on the premises.
Be nice. Constructive. Be constructive with your communication to fellow members. Don't get into flamewars, make personal attacks, vent, or rant unconstructively. Everyone must take responsibility for the community and take the initiative to diffuse tension and stop a negative thread as early as possible.
Participate. Join in on discussions, show up for in-person meetings regularly, offer feedback, and help implement that feedback.
These guidelines are modeled after the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and the O.S.C.Africa - Code of Conduct, It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. You may re-use it for your own project, and modify as you wish as long as you give credit to the ubuntu project!
The Community Guidelines and Anti- Harassment Policy must be followed.
- It’s appropriate to talk about related open source technologies, but must include atleast one Facebook technology. We want to promote learning across technologies.