TODO: Migrate this into Github Actions to run these, for now can do manually though...
helm plugin install helm repo add devopsnirvanas3 s3://devops-nirvana/helm-charts helm repo add devops-nirvana
helm lint charts/* --set name=test,namespace=test
export CI_COMMIT_TAG=1.0.47 sed -i "s/1.0.0/$CI_COMMIT_TAG/g" charts//Chart.yaml cd charts && for CURRENT_HELM_CHART in $(ls -d / | tr '/' ' '); do helm package -u $CURRENT_HELM_CHART; done && cd .. export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 ls -la charts/.tgz for PUSH_HELM_CHART_TGZ in $(find ./charts -maxdepth 1 -name ".tgz"); do helm s3 push --acl="public-read" $PUSH_HELM_CHART_TGZ devopsnirvanas3; done
for PUSH_HELM_CHART_TGZ in $(find ./charts -maxdepth 1 -name "*.tgz"); do helm s3 push --acl="public-read" $PUSH_HELM_CHART_TGZ devopsnirvanas3 --force; done
rm -f charts/*.tgz
rm -f index.yaml || true
cat index.yaml |
gsed "s/s3:/https:/g" |
gsed "s|devops-nirvana/helm-charts||g" > indexnew.yaml
diff index.yaml indexnew.yaml
mv -f indexnew.yaml index.yaml
aws s3 cp ./index.yaml s3://devops-nirvana/helm-charts/ --metadata-directive REPLACE --cache-control max-age=0,no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate --acl public-read --content-type 'text/plain'
rm -f index.yaml
git add
git commit -m "version bump to $CI_COMMIT_TAG"
git reset --hard HEAD
git push