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Devansh Raghav - @vip3r edited this page Jun 27, 2021 · 4 revisions


Crawling a URL

option: 1

Crawl a URL using FALL

[>] SET: 1
[>] URL:

Testing for LFI bugs

option: 2

Test for LFI bugs using FALL by setting the following options:

[>] SET: 2
[>] URL:
[>] Payloads: /path/to/payloads/lfi_payloads.txt
[>] Placeholder: FUZZ

Encoding into different algorithms

option: 3

Encode what you want in different algorithms by setting the following options:

[>] SET: 3
[>] Enter encoding: HTML
[>] Enter what you want to encode: <script>alert(1)</script>

Finding subdomains

option: 4

Find the subdomains of a domain by setting the following options:

[>] SET: 4
[>] Domain:
[>] Wordlist: /path/to/wordlist/wordlist.txt

Reverse shell generator

option: 5

Generating reverse shells by setting the following options:

[>] SET: 5
[>] Shell: BASH
[>] LHOST: 192.168.x.x
[>] LPORT: 8080

Directory brute forcing

option: 6

Brute force the directory of a web and find hidden files by setting the following option:

[>] SET: 6
[>] URL:
[>] Wordlist: /path/to/wordlist/wordlist.txt 

Open redirection testing

option: 7

Testing for open redirect bugs by setting the following options:

[>] SET: 7
[>] URL:
[>] Payloads: /path/to/payloads/payload.txt
[>] Placeholder: FUZZ

Multithreaded port scanner

option: 8

[>] SET: 8
[>] Target: 192.168.x.x
[>] Scan up to port (ex would be 1000): 65535
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