Releases: DevopsArtFactory/goployer
Releases · DevopsArtFactory/goployer
2.0.0 Major Release
We adopted command line interface format for goployer
Command lines:
goployer init
: create files for goployer projectgoployer deploy
: deploy a new applicationgoployer delete
: delete previous version of application
Now we have three common commands for utilizing goployer as deployment tool.
We are going to add more features
Update release
- Fix bugs
- change versioning calculation 100 -> 1000
- add request count metrics
First major version
First Release
Safe Deployment with versioning
Blue/Green Deployment
- Goployer uses blue/green deployment by default in order to ensure the safe deployment. Goployer will create new autoscaling group and attach it to the target group. After checking all the instances of autoscaling group are healthy, then delete the previous autoscaling group.
- Versioning - In the autoscaling group name, you can find the current version easily.
Use most of autoscaling group feature
Autoscaling Policy
- You can create autoscaling policy with AWS CloudWatch.
Spot Instance
- You can make launch template with spot configuration.
Mixed Instance Policy
- You can use on-demand and spot instance together with MixedInstancePolicy supported by autoscaling group. Autoscaling group will control spot request on behalf of you.
Metric Enabled
History Management
- You can make history records to AWS DynamoDB and keep track of deployment duration.