Synchronous execution:
- Tasks execute sequentially, one after another
- Each task must complete before the next one begins
- Blocking in nature - the program waits for each operation to complete
- Single-threaded execution is sufficient
Asynchronous execution:
- Multiple tasks can run simultaneously (multiple operations at a time).
- Non-blocking in nature - program continues execution while waiting for operations
- At least more than one thread is required.
- This can be achieved through concurrency or parallelism.
- Javascript (JAVASCRIPT ENGINE) is synchronous, single-threaded (i.e., Javascript engine can run only one operation at a time)
Runtime environments provide the ability to handle asynchronous tasks to the Javascript engine.
- Browser Runtime provides event loop, callback queue, microtask queue and browser API's (like Fetch API, Geolocation API etc.)
- Node Runtime provides libuv library with event-driven architecture.
Following are considered as async tasks in javascript
- I/O tasks
- File operation
- Network calls etc.
- Timer
- Javascript does not have built-in timers; it relies on the runtime to provide them.
- I/O tasks
Browser Runtime Architecture
Node.js Architecture
- Main Thread (Synchronous)
- Executes Javascript code line by line
- When it encounters async tasks, delegates them to runtime
- Runtime environment
- Handles async tasks separately (not on the main thread)
- Browser Runtime:
- Handles the tasks using browser API's
- Puts completed tasks in callback queue/microtask queue
- Libuv:
- Handles the task using Libuv's libraries and thread pool
- Puts completed tasks in callback queue/microtask queue
- Event Loop
- Continuously checks if the main thread is idle.
- Moves callbacks from queue to main thread.
const fs = require("fs");
const https = require("https");
console.log("Hello World");
var a = 987654321;
var b = 123456789;
https.get("https://dummyjson.com/products/1", (res) =>
console.log("Data Fetched Successfully")
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("setTimeout called for 5 sec");
}, 5000);
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/file.txt", "utf-8", (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
function multiply(a, b) {
return a * b;
var c = multiply(a, b);
console.log("End of sync execution");
HelloHello World
End of sync execution
Hello World! I am chitti, Speed: 1 Terra Hertz, Memory: 1 Zeta Byte
Data Fetched Successfully
setTimeout called for 5 sec
is an open-source cross platform C library that provides support for asynchronous I/O based operations. Originally designed for Node.js -
Features of libuv
- Event Loop
- Thread Pool
- Asynchronous I/O
- Cross platform compatibility
- All the I/O tasks are delegated to libuv and it executes them asynchronously using thread pool, so they get executed parallelly with main thread, hence Async I/O.
- This Asynchronous I/O nature leads to Non-Blocking I/O nature.
- Since all the I/O tasks are delegated to libuv and running on thread pool leaves main thread unblocked with I/O tasks.
- None of the I/O tasks are blocking the main thread, hence Non-Blocking I/O
- Usually all I/O tasks makes CPU sit idle until they receive response which is wastage of resources.
- Since Javascript is single threaded until the current request is resolved no other requests will be served (assumin you are running only one server instance)
- After executing I/O tasks, JavaScript runtimes add them to the callback queue.
- The event loop then picks these tasks from the callback queue and adds them to the call stack.
- Task queue handles
- setTimeout/setInterval callbacks
- I/O operations
- Microtask queue handles
- Promise callbacks
- Microtask queue has higher priority, task queue will only be handled if microtask queue is empty.
- Multiple threads take turns executing on a single processor core
- Tasks are managed through context switching - the processor switches between threads
- Can be achieved on a single core processor
- Threads appear to run simultaneously but are actually taking turns
- Multiple threads execute simultaneously on different processor cores
- No context switching needed between parallel threads
- Requires multi-core processor hardware
- Threads truly run at the same time independently
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