A front-end project for DigitalCrafts utilizing everything we've learned so far. We had one week to finish our Sports Matches and Tickets application. Our learning objectives include:
- Working together as a team, practice effective communications via explicit documentation through Github
- Scrum agile methodology implemented via daily scrum meetings and scrum board to track our progress
Our project will be a sort of sports aggragator that pulls:
Map of where current matches are held
Options to buy tickets
Historical data of past matches.
Bootstrap, Angularjs
Sports Radar API, Ticketmaster API, Google Maps API
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,
- XML to JSON converter: http://www.utilities-online.info/xmltojson/#.V17zT-YrJhE
Dave, Sandyha,and Matthew
- Matthew: worked on core functionalities of the app (building local JSON files to store data), helped the team with problem-sovling javascript issues.
- Dave: designed the mockup using GIMP, helped with some design aspects (image resizing, image optimizations, etc.), functionality of Soccer page, intense rearch on Stubhub API (turned out to be bust), then switched over to TicketMaster API, helped consolidate changes together in Github
- Sandyha: came up with the sports idea, designed the html pages, worked on Nascar functionality
#Mockup Design
#Phases of our Project
3 contributions your team would like for others to add to the project
- Dynamic data pulls from assorted API's (this can be accomplished on paid accounts for API services)
- Add more sports to app
- Add login functionality to remember user ticket/sports preferences
- Add news feed carousel at the bottom, can be accomplished using Bing API