Thank you for your interesting in contributing to Ethernaut!
Please follow the steps below. If you're new to git and/or GitHub, we suggest you go through the GitHub Guides.
Fork this repository
Clone the fork replacing
with your github username-
Using SSH
git clone --filter=blob:none<username>/ethernaut.git
git clone --filter=blob:none<username>/ethernaut.git
Using GitHub CLI
gh repo clone <username>/ethernaut -- --filter=blob:none
Create a new branch from the latest
Start hacking on the new branch according to the type of contribution outlined below
Commit and push to the new branch
Make a pull request against
OpenZeppelin/ethernaut master
Currently, we are reviewing contributions of the following types:
If you would like to contribute in another way, please reach out to us via email:
A level is composed of the following elements:
- A
contract, where<Level>
is replaced by the name of the level, that needs to extendLevel.sol
. This factory contract will be deployed only once and registered on Ethernaut.sol by Ethernaut's owner. Players never interact with the factory directly. The factory is in charge of creating level instances for players to use (1 instance per player) and to check these instances to verify if the player has passed the level. Factories should not have state that can be changed by the player. - A
level instance
contract named<Level>.sol
, where<Level>
is replaced by the name of the level, that is emitted by the factory for each player that requests it. Instances need to be completely decouppled from Ethernaut's architecture. Factories will emit them and verify them. That is, level instances don't know anything about their factories or Ethernaut. An instance's state can be completely demolished by players and even destroyed since they are not really part of the architecture, just a challenge for a player to use at will. - A
description file
in the descriptions directory that the UI presents to the player and describes the level's objectives with some narrative and tips. - A
description completion file
also located in the descriptions directory that the UI presents to the player when the level is passed, further information about the player, historical insights, further explanations or just a congrats message. - A
tests file
in thetest directory
that performs unit tests on the level. - A
json entry
for the level in gamedata.json that appends metadata to the level. The UI uses this metadata to display the level's title, difficulty, etc, but also to determine if sources are shown, the default gas for the creation of an instance, instance contract verification on explorers, etc. NOTE: "deployId" must be unique and is also used by the deployment script. - Optionally, an
author entry
in authors.json. You can specify opt-in information about yourself in this file.
Let's suppose that we are creating the level "King" (which is already created and available in the game of course).
- Fork this repo, clone and yarn install.
- Use the other levels as a basis, eg. duplicate DummyFactory.sol and Dummy.sol.
- Rename and modify the contracts to KingFactory.sol and King.sol respectively.
- Implement the desired instance and factory logic in solidity. See current levels and notes to understand how the game mechanics work.
- Add the test file
. Use other tests files as reference to see how tests might work. - Run
yarn test:contracts
and once all tests pass, register the level in gamedata.json. - The level should now show up in the ui. To start the UI, set the ACTIVE_NETWORK to
and runyarn start
. - Add a description markdown file, in this case client/src/gamedata/levels/ (make sure gamedata.json points to it). This content will now be displayed in the ui for the level.
- Add a completed description markdown file, in this case client/src/gamedata/levels/ (make sure gamedata.json points to it). The level will display this as additional info once the level is solved, usually to include historical information related to the level.
- Verify that the level is playable and winnable via UI. It is common for levels to be beatable in some way in tests that doesn't work using the UI, so it is important to test it manually as well.
- Make a PR request so that we can re-deploy the game with the new level!
To modify or add a new language to the list of supported ones, follow these steps:
create a new folder with the languge you want to add. -
Copy paste the content you want to translate of any other language into the new directory.
You will need to translate two things:
descriptions underdescriptions
. For this, only the values of the keys in the json must be translated. Do not translate keys (i.e.nextLevel
If you are just modifying an already existing language you can stop here and submit a PR. If you're adding a new language go to the next steps. Translations are mantained by the community but we ask to translate at least the
page, thestrings.json
files entirely since those are the most important ones to understand how the game works. Levels which are not translated will default to English in any case. -
Add a new key/value in all
of all languages for the newly added language. For example, if you're going to add French, add#In `en/strings.json` add: { ... "french": "French", ... } #In `es/strings.json` add: { ... "french": "Francés", ... }
Once translation is done, add an entry in
in the language picker for the user interface so you can select your added language:<li> <select style={{fontSize: 'small'}} onChange={this.changeLanguage.bind(this)} value={this.state.lang ? this.state.lang : 'en'}> <option value="en">{strings.english}</option> <option value="es">{strings.spanish}</option> ---> ADD AN ENTRY HERE <--- </select> </li>
You can now submit a PR and we will review.
There are no specific files that need to be changed for these types of fixes. Once you correct the documentation please open a PR and we will review it!