Web based platform connecting students with subject and exam experts for personalized mentorship
- Authentication
- Create own profile(add education, expertise subjects and exams, work experiences, past achievements, and more)
- Create mentorship plans stating all perks, # etc.
- View students enrolled in plans
- Use comprehensive real time chat facility(text, images, videos) to chat with students
- Video call with students
- Write posts/articles for mentees
- View/like/comment/repost posts of other mentors
- Authentication
- Create own profile
- Find mentors by using filters(subjects, exams, etc.)
- View mentor profiles
- Enroll in a mentor's plan by using payment facility
- Real time chat with mentors
- Video call with mentors
- View/like/comment on posts/articles of mentors
- Search mentors
- ReactJS
- Material UI package
- Zego cloud for video call facility
- SocketIO npm package for real time chat
- MongoDB Atlas as database
- NodeJS Express for server