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SQLI eZPlatform AdminUI Extended is a bundle that add a new tab in admin top bar and allow to display and CRUD entities


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SQLI eZPlatform Admin UI Extended Bundle

SQLI eZPlatform AdminUI Extended is a bundle that add a new tab in admin top bar and allow to display and CRUD entities


Install with composer

composer require sqli/ezplatform_adminui_extended:dev-master

Register the bundle

Activate the bundle in app/AppKernel.php

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new SQLI\EzPlatformAdminUiExtendedBundle\SQLIEzPlatformAdminUiExtendedBundle(),

Add routes

In app/config/routing.yml :

# SQLI Admin routes
    resource: "@SQLIEzPlatformAdminUiExtendedBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix: /


Generate assets :

php bin/console assetic:dump
php bin/console cache:clear


Configure directories (and namespaces if not according to PSR-0 rules) entities to lookup :

        - { directory: 'Acme/AcmeBundle/Entity/Doctrine' }
        - { directory: 'Acme/AcmeBundle2/Entity/Doctrine', namespace: 'Acme\AcmeBundle2NoPSR0\ORM\Doctrine' }

Use "~" if the namespace of your classes observe PSR-0 rules or specify directory which contains them.

(Optional) Change label tabname

You can change label of the default tab using this translation key for domain sqli_admin : sqli_admin__menu_entities_tab__default

Annotations on entities :

namespace Acme\AcmeBundle\Entity\Doctrine;

use SQLI\EzPlatformAdminUiExtendedBundle\Annotations\Annotation as SQLIAdmin;

* Class MyEntity
 * @package Acme\AcmeBundle\Entity\Doctrine
 * @ORM\Table(name="my_entity")
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\AcmeBundle\Repository\Doctrine\MyEntityRepository")
 * @SQLIAdmin\Entity(update=true,
 *                   create=true,
 *                   delete=false,
 *                   csv_exportable=false,
 *                   max_per_page=5,
 *                   tabname="other_tab"
 *                   description="Describe your entity")
class MyEntity
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id",type="integer")
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    private $id;
     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="data",type="string")
     * @SQLIAdmin\EntityProperty(visible=false)
    private $data;
     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="text",type="string")
     * @SQLIAdmin\EntityProperty(description="Describe property of your entity",readonly=true)
    private $text;
     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="select",type="int")
     * @SQLIAdmin\EntityProperty(choices={"First choice": 1, "Second choice": 2})
    private $select;
     * @var integer
     * @ORM\Column(name="content_id",type="int")
     * @SQLIAdmin\EntityProperty(extra_link="location") 
    private $contentID;
    // ...
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;
    public function getData() : ?string
        return $this->data;
    public function getText() : string 
        return $this->text ?: '';
    public function getSelect() : int
        return $this->select;
    public function getContentID(): int
        return $this->contentID;

Class annotation Entity has following properties :

  • description Description
  • update Allow update of a line in table
  • delete Allow deletion of a line in table
  • create Allow creation of new line in table
  • max_per_page Number of elements per page (Pagerfanta)
  • csv_exportable Allow data CSV export for the entity
  • tabname Group this entity in a tab under top menu instead of default tab

Property annotation EntityProperty has following properties :

  • description Description
  • visible Display column
  • readonly Disallow modifications in edit form
  • choices An hash relayed to ChoiceType
  • extra_link Use value as contentID or locationID or tagID (required Netgen/TagsBundle) to create a link in eZPlatform Back-Office

Supported types

List of supported Doctrine types :

NOTICE : Be careful if you choose to specify the return type on getters : in creation mode, getters will return 'null' so please provide a default value or nullable in type of return (see getter in above class example)


Specifying class annotation tabname for an entity will create a new tab under main top menu.
Label for this tab can be define in translation domain sqli_admin with this key :

Traduction for default tab :

sqli_admin__menu_entities_tab__default: "Entités Doctrine"


SQLI eZPlatform AdminUI Extended is a bundle that add a new tab in admin top bar and allow to display and CRUD entities







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