Join our union at CPE, KMUTT Student Union
To join our union, you must send us a pull request by adding a member function call with your GitHub username in the src/union.ts after other members.
Don't forget to introduce yourself in a pull request ticket!
Your KMUTT student ID (630705xxxxx) is required in the pull request ticket to identify your KMUTT status.
After your pull request is merged, please accept the invitation sent in your e-mail within 7 days, otherwise, the invitation will expire.
Once you are a member of our union, you can go to the member list page and change the membership visibility to "Public". After that, the CPE logo will be added to your GitHub profile.
CPE KMUTT Student Union is a GitHub organization for developing software/hardware for activities organized by students from the Department of Computer Engineering, KMUTT.
The main purpose of the union is to gather KMUTT-involved repositories in one place, and to make managing and searching such repositories easier for the next generation of KMUTT CPE students.