To Do:
-Log out button (X)
-Register button (X)
-Rename the project ()
-Chain the user image? ()
-If the user already is already logged in direct them to the main page ()
-Check to see if they are already signed in and bring them to the main page ()
-Search and library and create a playlist, just stay coming soon ()
-Make the artist card clickable, so I can see the artist's songs ()
Cookie Goal:
- Set the httpOnly value true (X)
- Remove that code for removing cookie (X)
- Tell the server the cookie is no longer valid (X)
- Copy the route for signin or # for the logout file (X)
- Tell prisma to either delete or expire the cookie
High level for what is going to the cookie:
- The user comes to the site and makes a request (the cookie)
- The server side responds and creates a cookie for the user and sends it back to the client side
- The user on the client side now has the cookie
- The client side holds onto that cookie untils it is deleted after the user logouts
- Update - user sends a response to the server to update the cookie
Questions: How can you see your route, to test if its working properly?
Prisma steps for database and migrations:
- npx prisma db push
- npx prisma migration dev
- Give migration a name
To check the db data: npx prisma db seed
To check the db live: npx prisma studio
http POST :3000/api/# password=abcabc
Where is the user being created in the server for this project?