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LimeIDL design proposal


This document proposes the design for the new input language for Gluecodium: LimeIDL. The document describes the following:

  • What is LimeIDL?
  • Why is it needed?

When the stable version of Gluecodium with full LimeIDL support is released, this document will be converted into LimeIDL documentation (probably by just removing the "why?" section and reducing other explanations while focusing on syntax description).

What is LimeIDL?

LimeIDL is the proposed new input language for Gluecodium. The name is a stylized abbreviation. "LIME" stands for "Language-Independent ModEl", the internal language-independent syntax tree model that serves as an intermediate step between the input language (e.g. Franca IDL, LimeIDL) and the output language (e.g. C++, Java, Swift). "IDL" is an industry-standard abbreviation for "Interface Definition Language". This describes any Gluecodium input language perfectly, as its input languages are defining programming interfaces (as opposed to defining executable code, like output languages do).

LimeIDL proposed syntax is inspired by (and somewhat just borrowed from) the modern programming languages like Kotlin and Swift. The initial version of the syntax has full feature parity with Franca input for Gluecodium (but not with the "base" Franca IDL, as Gluecodium uses only a subset of Franca language, with some custom extensions). The de#tent is to have an input language that is compact (i.e. not verbose) and is easy to read and write in. The intent is also for the language to be flexible enough to be extended in the future without losing these qualities.

LimeIDL syntax


package com.example

import com.example.utils.GenericResult

class SomeImportantProcessor {
    constructor create(options: Options?) throws SomethingWrongException

    fun process(mode: Mode, input: String): GenericResult

    property processingTime: ProcessorHelperTypes.Timestamp { get }

    internal static property secretDelegate: ProcessorDelegate?

    enum Mode {

    struct Options {
        flagOption: Boolean
        uintOption: UShort
        additionalOptions: List<String> = {}

    exception SomethingWrongException(String)

interface ProcessorDelegate: com.example.utils.GenericDelegate {
    fun onProcessorEvent(message: String)

types ProcessorHelperTypes {
    typealias Timestamp = Date

    const DefaultOptions: SomeImportantProcessor.Options = {flagOption = true, uintOption = 42, {}}

General remarks on syntax


The sections below use the following notation to describe the LimeIDL syntax:

  • text in bold is verbatim, i.e. these are keywords and special characters exactly as they appear in the language.
  • text in italic is a placeholder, usually for a user-defined name or some other user-defined sequence (in which case it will be explained specifically each time).
  • ( and ) enclose a set of alternatives, with each alternative separated with | symbol.
  • [ and ] enclose a sequence that is optional, i.e. can be omitted.


LimeIDL supports two kinds of identifiers (names): simple identifiers and escaped identifiers.

Most of the identifiers are simple ones. They should follow common rules for identifiers:

  • can contain only Latin letters, digits and underscores _.
  • cannot begin with a digit.

Escaped identifies are enclosed in '`' backticks. Escaped identifiers support the whole range of Unicode characters. The only characters that are not allowed are line breaks and backticks.

Note: non-alphanumeric characters for elements whose names are reflected in file names (e.g. package names or names of classes, interfaces, structs, etc.) might lead to unexpected compilation issues in the generated code, depending on the file system and/or operating system.

Note: Unicode characters in C++ identifiers are supported by C++ standard but the actual support might vary per compiler implementation.


Most elements can be prefixed with a visibility prefix. Possible visibility prefixes are currently public, internal, open and open internal. Visibility prefix is optional, an element without such prefix is considered public. The visibility prefix, if present, should precede the rest of the declaration.

  • Example: internal static property secretDelegate: ProcessorDelegate? { get set }
  • List of element kinds that can have a visibility prefix: class, interface, types, function, constructor, property, property accessor, struct, struct field, enumeration, exception, constant, type alias.
  • List of element kinds that cannot have a visibility prefix: package, import, function parameter, enumerator.
  • open and open internal are currently only supported for classes. Both mean the class can be inherited from (see Inheritance below).

Line breaks

Most declarations are allowed to have an arbitrary (zero or more) number of line breaks between any parts of the declaration. Two notable exceptions are:

  • Each file-level declaration must have at least one line break at the end of the declaraion. This also means there must always be a trailing line break at the end of the file.
  • Attributes (see Attributes below) are not allowed to have any line breaks between @ and the attribute name that follows.

File-level declarations

There are three kinds of file-level declarations: package, import or element declaration. The following element types can be placed at the top level: class, interface, types, struct, enum, exception, typealias. All other declarations can only be placed as child elements to some other element.

Package declaration

  • Syntax: package list.of.names
  • Example: package com.example.utils
  • Description: declares the package for all top-level elements in the current file. Must be always present in each file, exactly once per file, and should be the first declaration in the file.

Import declarations

  • Syntax: import full.element.Name
  • Example: import com.example.utils.GenericResult
  • Description: declares the imports for the current file. Each imported element can be referred by its simple name (e.g. GenericResult) instead of a full name within the scope of the current file. There can be any number of import declarations per file. If there are any, they all should come immediately after the package declaration.

Container-type elements

  • Syntax: (class | interface | types) ElementName[: ParentName] { child-elements-declarations... }
  • Example: class SomeImportantProcessor { ... }
  • Example: interface ProcessorDelegate: GenericDelegate { ... }
  • Description: declares a container-type language element:
    • class corresponds to a class declaration in the output languages.
    • interface corresponds to an interface (protocol) declaration in the output languages.
    • types declares a loose collection of elements, most of which become free-standing elements in the output languages.
  • Classes and interfaces can be free-standing elements at file level or can be placed in another class or interface. types declaration can be only placed at file level.


Classes and interfaces support inheritance (optionally, see ParentName in the syntax above). There are some restrictions on inheritance:

  • multiple inheritance is currently not supported.
  • an interface cannot inherit from a class.
  • an class can only inherit from another ("parent") class if the parent class has "open" visibility (see Visibility above).
  • a class or an interface with "public" visibility cannot inherit from a class or an interface with "internal" visibility (see Visibility above).

Child element declarations

Child element declarations can only be placed inside the declaraion of another element (most often some top-level element).


  • Syntax: [static] fun FunctionName(parameter-list)[: ReturnType] [throws ExceptionName]
  • where parameter-list is a comma-separated list of parameters, each parameter declared as ParameterName: ParameterType
  • Example: fun process(mode: Mode, input: String): GenericResult throws SomethingWrongException
  • Can be placed in: class, interface, struct
  • Description: declares a member function (method) in the parent type:
    • a function can have any number of parameters (zero or more).
    • a function can have a return type (optionally).
    • a function can be declared as throwing an exception (optionally, also see Exception below).
    • a function can be declared as static (optionally), meaning it's not a member function but a class function (type function).


  • Syntax: constructor FunctionName(parameter-list) [throws ExceptionName]
  • where parameter-list is a comma-separated list of parameters, each parameter declared as ParameterName: ParameterType
  • Example: constructor create(options: Options?) throws SomethingWrongException
  • Can be placed in: class, struct
  • Description: declares a constructor (Java, Swift) or a factory function (C++) in the parent type:
    • a constructor declaration includes a name, which translates into a name of the factory function in C++. Other output languages have normal "nameless" constructors generated in the public API.
    • a constructor can have any number of parameters (zero or more).
    • a constructor can be declared as throwing an exception (optionally, also see Exception below).


  • Syntax: [static] property PropertyName: PropertyType [{ get [set] }]
  • Example: static property secretDelegate: ProcessorDelegate? { get set }
  • Can be placed in: class, interface
  • Description: declares a property in the parent type:
    • a property can be declared as static (optionally), meaning it's not a member property but a class property (type property).
    • a property declaration corresponds to a property in the output language if it does have such concept (Swift) or to a pair of accessor methods (or just one getter method for a readonly property) if there is no "property" concept (C++, Java).


  • Syntax: struct StructName { fields-list [child-elements-declarations...] }
  • where fields-list is a newline-separated list of fields, each field declared as FieldName: FieldType [= DefaultValue]
  • Example:
struct Options {
    flagOption: Boolean
    uintOption: UShort
    additionalOptions: List<String> = {}
  • Can be a free-standing element at file level or can be placed in: class, interface, types
  • Description: declares a struct type (data type) in the parent type:
    • a struct can have any number of fields, but at least one field is required.
    • a struct field can have a default value associated with it (optionally). For more details on values and literals see Values and Literals below.
    • in addition to fields, a struct can have member functions, constructors, and constants declared inside it.


  • Syntax: enum EnumName { enumerators-list }
  • where enumerators-list is a comma-separated list of enumerators, each enumerator declared as EnumeratorName [= EnumeratorValue]
  • Example: enum Mode { SLOW, FAST, CHEAP }
  • Can be a free-standing element at file level or can be placed in: class, interface, types
  • Description: declares an enumeration type in the parent type:
    • an enumeration can have any number of enumerators, but at least one enumerators is required.
    • an enumerator can have a default value associated with it (optionally). Only integer values are currently supported. For more details on values and literals see Values and Literals below.


  • Syntax: exception ExceptionName[(ErrorTypeName)]
  • Example: exception SomethingWrong(ErrorType)
  • Can be a free-standing element at file level or can be placed in: class, interface, types
  • Description: declares an exception (error) type in the parent type:
    • an exception has an error-value type associated with it.
    • an exception type cannot be used as a regular type, it can only be used in a throws clause of a function (see Function and Constructor above).


  • Syntax: const ConstantName: ConstantType = ValueLiteral
  • Example: const DefaultOptions: Options = {true, 42, {}}
  • Can be placed in: class, types, struct
  • Description: declares a constant in the parent type. For more details on values and literals see Values and Literals below.

Type alias

  • Syntax: typealias AliasName = AliasType
  • Example: typealias Timestamp = Date
  • Can be a free-standing element at file level or can be placed in: class, interface
  • Description: declares a type alias (typedef) in the parent type.


  • Syntax: lambda LambdaName = AliasType = (parameter-list) -> ReturnType
  • Example: lambda TimestampCallback = (Date) -> Void
  • Can be a free-standing element at file level or can be placed in: class, interface.
  • Description: declares a lambda type (a functional reference). Unlike the functions, specifying a return type for a lambda is required. For declaring lambdas with no return type, Void type should be used (like in the example above).

Type references

A type reference is a mention of a type anywhere, as opposed to a type declaration. A type reference can refer to a built-in type or to a user-defined type. A type reference can be also (optionally) marked as "nullable".

Built-in types

Basic types:

  • Boolean
  • String
  • Float
  • Double
  • Byte: signed 8-bit integer type
  • Short: signed 16-bit integer type
  • Int: signed 32-bit integer type
  • Long: signed 64-bit integer type
  • UByte: unsigned 8-bit integer type
  • UShort: unsigned 16-bit integer type
  • UInt: unsigned 32-bit integer type
  • ULong: unsigned 64-bit integer type
  • Blob: generic binary data type
  • Date: date type (containing both a calendar date and a clock timestamp)

Container types:

  • List: list/array container type, e.g. List<String>
  • Set: set container type, e.g. Set<String>
  • Map<KeyType, ValueType>: map container type, e.g. Map<String, Blob>

User-defined types

User-defined types are types declared in the same or in another LimeIDL file. There are several ways to refer to those:

  • Short name, e.g. LocalType. This refers to a type declared within the same top-level element as the reference, or to an imported type (see Import declarations above).
  • Relative name, e.g. LocalInterface.LocalType. This refers to a type declared within another top-level element in the same package, or to a type within an imported top-level type.
  • Full name, e.g. com.example.utils.OtherInterface.OtherType. This can refer to any type declared in the current set of LimeIDL files.

Nullable references

Any type reference can be marked "nullable" by appending "?" to it, e.g. String?. This also applies to type references inside other type references, like container types: List<String?>. Combining these two usages is also valid: List<String?>?.

Note: currently the only supported usages for nullable elements in containers are List element type (e.g. List<String?>) and Map value type (e.g. Map<Int, String?>).

Values and literals

Struct field default values and constant values support the following literals on the right side of their = sign.

Numeric literals

Integer decimal literals are supported, e.g. 10, -42. Floating-point literals are supported, both with and without the exponent, e.g. 3.14, 1.41e-2. No suffixes are currently supported for neither of those two literal kinds, the specific type of the literal is determined from the declaration of the field or the constant where the literal is used.

Binary, octal or hexadecimal integer literals are currently not supported.

String literals

String literals are enclosed in quotes ", e.g. "hello". Unicode characters are supported. Also, a limited set of escaped characters is currently supported: \\, \", \n, \r, \t.

Special literals

  • null: "null" value for nullable types.
  • NaN: "not a number" value for Float and Double types.
  • Infinity: positive infinity value for Float and Double types.
  • -Infinity: negative infinity value for Float and Double types.

Struct initializer

  • Syntax: { [list-of-field-values] }
  • where list-of-field-values is a comma-separated list of values, each optionally preceded by a field name: [FieldName =] FieldValue
  • Example: const DefaultOptions: Options = {flagOption = true, uintOption = 42, {}}
  • Description: initializes a struct with the given values, the order of values corresponds to the order of declaration of struct's fields.

Collection initializer

  • Syntax: [ [list-of-values] ]
  • where list-of-values is a comma-separated list of values
  • Example: const ValidKeys: Set<String> = ["name", "address"]
  • Description: initializes a list or a set with the given values. [] initializes an empty list or set.

Map initializer

  • Syntax: [ [list-of-pairs] ]
  • where list-of-pairs is a comma-separated list of key: value pairs
  • Example: const FieldNames: Map<Int, String> = [1: "name", 42: "address"]
  • Description: initializes a map with the given key-value pairs. [] initializes an empty map.

Enumerator reference

Initializes an enumeration-type constant or field with the given enumerator value, e.g. Mode.FAST.


Most elements can be prefixed by attributes:

  • Syntax: @AttributeName[(list-of-attribute-properties)]
  • where list-of-attribute-properties is a comma-separated list of properties, each optionally with a value: PropertyName [= PropertyValue]
  • Example: fun process(mode: Mode, @Swift(Label = "_") input: String): GenericResult
  • Description: each attributes specifies some additional behavior for the element, most often some behavior specific to a single output language.
    • an element can be prefixed by any number of attributes.
    • an attribute can have any number of properties associated with it (optionally).
    • an attribute can have a "default" property that can have its name omitted and specified only by value instead, e.g. @Deprecated("DeprecationMessage").

Here's the list of currently supported attributes:

  • @Immutable: marks a struct type as immutable.
  • @Equatable: marks a struct type or a class as equatable.
  • @PointerEquatable: marks a class as equatable by reference (pointer).
  • @Serializable: marks a struct type as serializable.
  • @Deprecated([Message =] "DeprecationMessage"): marks an element as deprecated, takes a string literal value as a deprecation message.
  • @Java: marks an element with Java-specific properties:
    • [Name =] "ElementName": marks an element to have a distinct name in Java. This is the default property for this attribute.
    • Builder: marks a struct type to have a "builder" pattern generated in Java.
    • FunctionName = "FunctionName": marks a lambda type to have a specific function name in the generated functional interface in Java (instead of a default name).
  • @Swift: marks an element with Swift-specific properties:
    • [Name =] "ElementName": marks an element to have a distinct name in Swift. This is the default property for this attribute.
    • Label = "LabelName": marks a function parameter to have a distinct argument label in Swift.
    • ObjC: marks a class as Objective-C compatible in Swift.
    • Extension: marks a type collection (types) to be generated as Swift extension. The primary use case for this is adding nested types into a pre-existing Swift type (i.e. non-generated). Extending a generated type is also possible, but requires usage of Name attribute to avoid name clashes on other platforms.
  • @Cpp: marks an element with C++-specific properties:
    • [Name =] "ElementName": marks an element to have a distinct name in C++. This is the default property for this attribute.
    • Const: marks a function with a const qualifier in C++ generated code.
    • Accessors: marks a struct to have accessor functions generated for fields and to generate struct fields as "private" in C++ generated code. Intended for use with @Immutable attribute.
    • ExternalType = "HeaderPaths": marks a class, interface, struct type or enumeration as an "external" type. This skips the generation of C++ code for this type and the given (pre-existing) header file(s) is used instead. HeaderPaths could either be a single string literal or a comma-separated list of strings in square brackets: [HeaderPath [, HeaderPath]*].
    • ExternalName = "FullyQualifiedName": marks a type that is already marked with ExternalType to have a distinct fully-qualified name in C++ generated code (i.e. to have a name that is not derived automatically from the element's name given in the declaration). Please note that only one-to-one correspondence between IDL types and "external" C++ types is supported.
    • ExternalGetter = "FunctionName", ExternalSetter = "FunctionName": marks a field in a struct type that is already marked with ExternalType to have be accessed through given getter/setter functions instead of directly in C++ generated code.


There are two kinds of comments in LimeIDL: local comments and documentation comments. Local comments are transient: they are meant as comments to the LimeIDL text itself, but not the elements that it declared, and thus these are discarded without affecting the generated code in any way. Documentation comments, on the other hand, are meant to document the declared elements and thus are preserved in the generated code (see Documentation conventions for more details).

Local comments

  • Syntax: #text
  • Example: # Copyright (C) 2016-2019 HERE Europe B.V.
  • Description: defines a single-line local comment. All text after the # symbol until the end of the line is taken as the comment text.

Documentation comments, single-line

  • Syntax: //text
  • Example:
// Process the input in the given mode.
fun process(mode: Mode, input: String): GenericResult
  • Description: defines a single-line documentation comment. All text after // symbols until the end of the line is taken as the comment text.

Documentation comments, multi-line

  • Syntax: /*multi-line-text*/
  • Example:
Process the input in the given mode.
A lot of multi-line text can be said about it.
fun process(mode: Mode, input: String): GenericResult
  • Description: defines a multi-line documentation comment. All text after between /* and */ symbols is taken as the comment text, including the line breaks.

Structured documentation comments

Documentation comments also support structured comments for some elements (i.e. specifying comments for child elements in the comment of the parent element). Structured comments can be specified in both // and /* style comments (or even in a combination of those).

Structured comments are supported for functions. Example:

// Process the input in the given mode.
// A lot of multi-line text can be said about it.
// @param[mode] operational mode
// @param[input] data for processing
// @return a generic result
// @throws if something goes wrong
fun process(mode: Mode, input: String): GenericResult throws SomethingWrongException

Structured comments are supported for properties. Example:

// Time interval taken by the processing.
// @get Gets the time interval taken by the processing.
// @set Sets the time interval taken by the processing.
property processingTime: ProcessorHelperTypes.Timestamp

Structured comments for structs allow specifying documentation for the struct's auto-generated constructor. Example:

// Stores various important options.
// @constructor Creates a nice storage for your various very important options.
struct Options {
    flagOption: Boolean
    uintOption: UShort
    additionalOptions: List<String> = []

Platform-specific comments

Parts of documentation comments can be varied per platform (i.e. per output language). Example:

// Process something{@Java  the Java way}. Returns a{@Cpp generic } result
// and throws if something goes wrong{@Swift  but not on iOS}.
fun process(): GenericResult throws SomethingWrongException

The resulting documentation will look like this, per language:

  • C++: Process something. Returns a generic result and throws if something goes wrong.
  • Java: Process something the Java way. Returns a result and throws if something goes wrong.
  • Swift: Process something. Returns a result and throws if something goes wrong but not on iOS. Note that one space after the @Platform is treated as separator, everything after that, including spaces is considered to be part of the comment.

Special characters in documentation comments

Special characters @, {, }, and \ can be used in documentation comments only if they are "escaped" with an additional backslash (i.e. \@, \{, \}, and \\ respectively).