Hyperopt installation source .env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements-hyperopt.txt Downloading backtesting data freqtrade download-data --config config.json --days 300 --timeframe 1d Hyperopt commands freqtrade hyperopt --config config.json --strategy RsiStrat --epochs 50 --spaces default --hyperopt-loss SharpeHyperOptLoss freqtrade hyperopt --config config.json --strategy SmaCrossStrat --epochs 50 --spaces default --random-state 8105 --min-trades 10 --hyperopt-loss SharpeHyperOptLoss freqtrade hyperopt --config config.json --strategy MyAwesomeStrategy --epochs 50 --spaces buy roi --hyperopt-loss ShortTradeDurHyperOptLoss Backtesting the hyperopt recommended settings in the strategy freqtrade backtesting --config config.json --strategy RsiStrategy freqtrade backtesting --config config.json --strategy SmaCrossStrategy