See for latest releases and notes.
- Added support for restricting searches using the API to hierarchical descendants of a term (i.e. all children including parts)
- Fixed bug where API term links for hierarchical children wasn’t working
- Updated UI widgets to use new standalone implementation based on BioJS. All UI components for search, graph and tree view are in both NPM and BioJS
- Improved handling of OBO DB Xrefs, these are now correctly formatted and have links to external databases where available (#85, #83)
- Added support for rendering images e.g.
- Fixed tree view bug where unsatisfiable classes were children of everything #87
- Download ontology now has ontology name as filename #84
- Updates to documentation
- Added EBIOLS twitter feed to homepage
We're pleased the announce the release of the new EMBL-EBI Ontology Lookup Service (OLS). You can access the new OLS at The old service at is now retired and will soon redirect to the new URL.
New features include
- New ontology search and visualisation components
- Includes the full set of OBO library ontologies and more
- Supports ontologies published in both OBO and OWL
- Ontology term history tracking
- New RESTful API … more features to follow in the coming year!
For any future updates please subscribe to the OLS announce mailing lists
If there are any additional ontologies you would like to see in OLS or have suggestions for new features please get in touch using
All the source code is also available on GitHub with instruction on how to build a local OLS. You can also post issues on the GitHub issue tracker if you prefer